by Jan Toomer

We had heard all the talks, speculations and fears as 11/11/11 approached. Many waited with trepidation for whatever was to transpire.

We had, on 11/11/11, worked as a group consciousness to help raise the energies of all beings on these dimensions which we occupy – and each being had the choice to accept the loving boost, or not.

Many are disappointed (or perhaps relieved?) that no dramatic physical hoopla occurred.

Those who can “see”, “hear”, “feel” or “know” (utilizing “clair” senses) more than likely subtly experienced something (energy-wise) between 10/24 and 11/15/11.

We are now on the other side of 11/11/11, and I would love to hear of your experiences.

My Experience

On 11/10/11, I was overwhelmed with thousands (if not more) of voices – all speaking out at once…these were from outside of our dimension, and were directed to all of us – humans on Earth; they were words and energy of encouragement, uplifting us all.

Reports began coming in…animals were acting “weird” or exhibiting bizarre or unusual behaviour.

The vocal din continued into 11/11/11; our cat stayed secluded (her choice) in her bed all day.

Post 11/11/11

These energy shifts begin in the subtle bodies; and subtle energies are just that…subtle.

Some people are feeling a sort of anti-climatic let down post 11/11/11. Some are even wondering, “Did anything happen at all? And, if it did, why do I feel like I missed it?”

Yes, something did happen – the whole Earth had a major energy uplift. Some may have physically felt it; some may not have – but let me make one thing perfectly clear: all can benefit from it.


Manifestation begins with a thought. This thought can be creative or destructive; full of hope or hopeless; helpful or harmful; self-sabotaging or self-supportive, etc.

The thought energy is (currently still) not instantaneous manifestation/creation (but so much more close to it now!). The thought must travel through the various subtle bodies, becoming more dense, until it reaches (thus manifests) in the 3rd/4th dimensional density.

The thought will then become reality.

That energy shift, which reached its apex on 11/11/11, will manifest in 3rd and 4th dimensions; as it becomes more dense energy, it will become more “real” here.


When I awoke on Saturday, 11/12/11, I noticed my vision had been altered. I still need glasses to read, but my sight which does not require glasses has sharpened as well as colors began more vibrant…more alive.

The vocal din had quieted, the energy in the air felt slightly different. This put a lot of people in a funky place for a bit; they felt kind of “off” or not just right.

Our cat came out of self-induced seclusion more alert and ready for (okay, demanding) cat-time.

Now What?

Energy-wise, we are on a plateau; a chance to catch our breath and unwind a bit.

You didn’t think we’d sit still long, did you?

As the energy from 11/11/11 manifests, it will be in ways to help both mankind and Mother Earth in our self-growth journeys.

As individuals, we each continue on our spiritual paths; we continue having our learning experiences, learning opportunities and have opportunities to aid others in their journeys.

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