by Jan Toomer

“Seeing” Unformed Thoughts

For this particular circumstance, pulsing is used to ‘see’ (or sense) that which normal other-sight / other-knowing may not pick up.

After Shielding, concentrate on energy (from the Source) coming in from the top of your head and filling you up; and filling you up, and filling you up.

Keep pulling in the energy until you feel you cannot hold anymore – then release quickly – in a sudden burst (in martial arts, a loud, from the gut “ki-yap” releases the energy in a burst) – 360 degrees around – and let it radiate out like a sonic boom.

It is right after the release that many have been able to “see” their representation of their un-formed, unfinished thoughts.

Sending Love, Healing, etc.

Same as above, but adding the intent/thought, “Healing (love, etc) for those who wish to partake of it.”

White light – the Source – for healing, peace, balance, etc.

Pink light – unconditional love.

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