Stepping Into The Magic by Gill Edwards. © 1993 (1999 edition), Piatkus Publishing. ISBN 0-7499-2072-6.

Stepping Into The Magic is on of my favorite books.

Edwards combined metaphysics, clinical psychology and shamanism to take the reader through a wonderful journey of self-discovery.

She touched on many metaphysical topics like: chakras, psychic contracts, animal totems, body language (what is your body telling you?), ‘moodling’, and so much more.

Many books I have read, I was merely an observer; not so with Edwards book. I was an active participant, and eager to continue reading to find out where I was heading next with Edwards.

She provided examples, thought-provoking questions, and exercises to try.

I enjoyed her book so much so that I had, at one point, considered developing a class using this book as the course book.

My favorite passages from this book (and it was hard to nail it down to only one passage!), and very apropos for even today, is:

“…confusion is a sign that old structures are being challenged, that former certainty has given way to doubt. Out of the shake-up, something new is bound to emerge.”  Pg. 91

I highly recommend this book for everyone.

June 3, 2009

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