Sometimes I take a step back and look at the energy of a public movement to see if I can get a sense of a bigger picture and/or the “why?”. What follows are my interpretations and/or understandings as of now.

I took an energetic look at the gender binary and non-binary movement. There is so much positive – and unfortunately negative – opinions, views, etc. about yesterday versus today’s gender labels.

Energetically what I see is that this is not about gender identity or even sexual orientation. And I am sure that I am only seeing a small bit; only one aspect on the topic of gender labels.

It is a spiritual movement that is, partially, about:

– bringing awareness and growth
– no longer trying to force compliance into an antiquated labeling system
– breaking limiting beliefs

It’s About I AM

It’s about the soul. The being’s essence and honoring the soul’s existence. Not about the skin suit one is wearing.

It’s the heart. The beautiful energy each being on this planet possesses. The light that shines within.

We are being asked to:

– quit judging other souls external representation of expression
– let go of the fear driven societal “norm”
– support each other’s right to be
– honor the I AM of each being

These beautiful gender neutral souls are here to teach us. It’s up to each being to decide what they will – or will not – do with this soul growth opportunity.

by Jan Toomer


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