So, you’re probably thinking (sarcastically), “Oh goodie! Another ‘uplifting’, over-cheery, unrealistic view on an un-obtainable frame of mind!”

Well, okay, if that’s what you want to think… but first… think back to that (at least) one moment of pure joy in your life.

That moment where there was no past or future; nothing weighing on your mind; nothing existed but that one pure moment.

“Yeah, Jan – like we’ve all had one of those.”

I am betting you have. Perhaps the first time you looked into your newborn’s face; or sitting by a lake, watching the water or spectacular sunset.

Or, when you were a child who suddenly discovered an ant, and watched that tiny creature with utter fascination.

Maybe you heard a piece of music, or song, that spoke so deeply to you that you may have momentarily forgotten all else.

Somewhere, some time, you did experience that moment – the joy of being in now. Where time stood still, and you noticed nothing beyond that; and within you felt a wonderfully full feeling; and your soul wanted to sing, yet you remained motionless. You didn’t want to shatter the now.

By now, maybe a little nostalgic feeling has crept in and you are thinking, “Yeah, that was nice…but it’s only a memory now. I am not sure I can ever have that feeling again.”

I believe we can.

In my course, I recommend that everyone take some time to view their world as though looking through the eyes of a child. Look at life as if you were seeing it for the first time – with awe and excitement.

Notice your surroundings, no matter how familiar, and see them for the first time – with an air of discovery and wonderment.

With practice, I think you will one day see something breathtaking…and…be in that pure moment of the joy of just being.

Jan Toomer
January 28, 2009

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