~ So Many Changes ~

  • So much has happened this month, and the month isn’t even over.
  • We’re reminded to stay out of fear.
  • Unsettled and chaotic energy on Earth. But chaotic doesn’t always mean something negative.
  • What’s up with my connection with the Team? Feeling a void.
  • A new sensation within.
  • Questions


A pile of pastel colored sticky notes, each one has "Change" written on it.Well, we’ve been through some stuff, eh? “Conspiracy theories” abound as does the misinformation and misdirection being put out to the masses.

Except for putting small informative videos on my website, I’ve been pretty quiet.

So when I sat down to write today, I had a mix of feeling overwhelmed by what all has been in my head this month as well as having a desire to just sit back and chill (I am recovering from much needed surgery on my jaw). I looked at my husband – I guess her saw the “Where do I start?” look on my face, and said, “Talk about the wonky energies and how things have changed”. Boom! There it is! So many changes. So let’s take a look a few.

You Feel It, Don’t You?

Yep, a lot has changed, and it’s not done yet. But, as usual, the biggest message is, “Stay out of Fear!”

Just this month, the energy on Earth has shifted at least three times, and the month isn’t over.

There have been so many “natural” disasters across the Earth that the underlying feeling of Earth energy, I think, can be boiled down to “unsettled and chaotic”. Now don’t get me wrong, chaotic is not always a bad thing. It can:

  • stir up things to bring it out of the dark and into the light to be seen and dealt with.
  •  make us uncomfortable enough to change our thinking;
  • make us what to change our ways;
  • make us get out of a rut or to get off of the scripted merry-go-round.
  • be freeing, revealing, enlightening, and give us the needed momentum to “do something about it”

On the other side, I’m saddened by all the devastation, destruction and loss of life. And that part of me is really annoyed at all of the suffering across our world because — in my opinion – we didn’t get off our collective duffs and do something sooner so we didn’t have to go through this.

Spilt milk and all.

Back to the changes.

Feeling a Void

Do you feel like something – or maybe someone – is missing?

This whole month, the act of connecting to my Team has been…off. Usually, in the past, I would get this wonderful whoosh of uplifting energy; then I would see and feel the light flooding into me. I would focus, expand and call in “the highest and holiest aspects of my Team”, and voila! There was my Team.

Not this month.

No whoosh, no bright light, no visual of my Team.

Finally, I asked my Team what the heck was going on? The whole process felt empty…like a void.

A Team member that I didn’t know stepped forward and told me that I have a new Team. I dug in my heels, “I want to know where my Team is right now! I want to see them!”

Why did I sound like I was having a temper tantrum? Because I was.

Many Years Ago

As an adult, a non-physical being who had been on my Team since my childhood showed me her death at the hands of the military. I blew up. I wasn’t mad at my Team member; rather, I was royally ticked at the government who had held her captive deep in a mountain and eventually ending her life through neglect and damages.

After my blow up, she was promptly removed from my Team.

Well, that lit me up even more. I told (probably yelled) at my Team to bring her back and that it was not her fault for my reaction.

My demand was denied.

I went on strike for two years (this was the first time); I refused to communicate with my Team unless they brought her back. Near the end of the two years, she showed herself to me. I was elated, but that was short lived. She told me that she could visit periodically, but was no longer allowed to be on my Team.

Back to This Month

This is why I stopped everything to demand to see the Team I had for years; the Team that included my loved ones.

The “new” Team explained that I still had access to them, and that there was a reason for the “new’ Team. I told them, emphatically, that I was going to see my Team before having any another conversation with the “new” Team.

I called my Team to meet me at my gardens (energetic place I created for me) and everyone showed up.

I hugged and talked with them. Oh, and complained about this abrupt change over.

When I felt satisfied that I still had a connection with them, I turned my attention to the “new” Team. I, well, kind of interrogated them.

  • Why can’t I feel the whoosh and see the light anymore?
  • Why can’t I see you when I work to connect with my Team?
  • How do I know that I can trust you when I can’t even see you?
  • Why has there been a change over?

I’m going to do my best to translate when I received.

Their Reply

They showed me a quick re-cap of messages received (and shared) over the years on how:

  • We all were guided to get to know ourselves and our own energy.
  • To develop and then live in our trust in our individual selves.
  • To understand that we lived on a planet of duality, so that in human form, we could understand light by having the contrast of dark.
  • To see (feel and/or know) beyond the falsehoods and the hologram of this experience on Earth.
  • To understand that we are truly ONE.
  • To see that all of this, plus the life experiences, brought us to this moment.

Next they communicated to me, “You have changed. Your frequency is higher and you’ve no need for the lower frequencies of your ‘old’ Team.”

And later, when I dug in more, the shared the following:

You don’t see any Team member because there really aren’t any Team members; they are all different expressions of you. This includes your loved ones and ancestors; they are just different expressions of you.

You have now begun incorporating that into your human consciousness. There are no others.

There is no external light. You, and all the expressions of you, are the light.

That is what the “I AM” message is all about. You, and every expression of you, are “I AM”.

You came to play an immersive game; to work to get back to the Truth of the “I AM”.

You created this game with your thoughts and later incorporated your fears, hopes, dreams, self-created limitations, villains, and heroes…all of it. All is an expression – a character – of you.

* * *

That was it.

In other words, they/I brought it home to me.

The Stillness Within

Another thing I’ve experienced this month (before talking with the “new” Team) is a profound and deep stillness within. This is quite a feat with my ADHD-like energy.

It’s a stillness I have only experienced a handful of times when going really deep into a healing session, and it was gone after the session was over.

But I am feeling this everyday – all day long.

And I like it.

So, yeah, changes…a lot of changes.


I have questions, like if it’s all expressions of me, of ONE, should I stop teaching, consulting, writing articles, doing short informative videos?

I don’t think so. If everyone is an extension, or expression, of me, then there are aspects of me that have just begun learning; some parts of ONE that have taken different paths to have different experiences; some have different perspectives and are seeking other perspectives; and some want validation of their experience or belief.

So my thoughts on this are that I need to keep being the Jan part of ONE and doing what I am guiding me to do. I guess that means that the game’s still on.

Play on.

By Jan Toomer

UPDATE: a follow-up to this article can be found here — https://www.metaphysical-studies.com/a-sit-down-with-my-new-team/


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