As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy.

Can you feel it?

The Forerunners

Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been boots-on-the-ground; clearing the way and setting up the new foundation for the new energies that are evolving and have evolved from 3D density to a higher frequency while in a physical body.

And we are tired. We have worked long and hard. Are we done? Well, not exactly, but for now, we don’t have to do any heavy lifting so-to-speak.

Take a Breather

We are taking a breather – it’s time.

Can you feel it?

Although 3D Earth still has a lot of stuff happening, we have been given a respite; a breather from the heavy energy work.

To me, this feels like an invisible weight has been removed off my shoulders. It’s like we’ve gone through some type of barrier and now the next wave of energy workers can move ahead of us to take on the next task.

If we cleared the path and began setting the foundation, this next wave would be the framers who begin building on those foundations.

And now we can take deep breaths now.

Can you feel it?

What I hear from my Team – the message that they want to share with us all, is this:

~ You have worked so hard for so long; you have given so much for all of the souls on Earth. Please relax for now, and allow yourselves to receive now. ~

Yes, we’ll continue to work; to guide others on the path as they heard towards the foundations that are being built upon, but we’ve finished the spiritual manual labor we’d been working on for so long.

So take a breather. Relax for a bit and be opened to receive now.

Can you feel it?

By Jan Toomer


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