~ Of Investigating A Haunted Building ~

The decaying shell of the building shares its memories in my mind, while the breeze whispers the hopes, dreams, fears and torments of bygone times.

The echoes of the past beg to be acknowledged whilst the forgotten shades – some wanting to be remembered and others hoping no one does – wanders the long empty halls; the ghost shadows dancing in and out of our reality.

Cameras and voice recorders catch snippets of their earthbound existence or of their memories held captive by the walls. It’s not often the two realities merge – the past touching today – but it does happen.

After offering to cross over those who are ready, I leave the haunted building. The ghosts insubstantial past wisps away as I drive off, their existence once again lost to the hustle and bustle of life.

A Haunted Building

As a sensitive which, for me, includes reading energy and being a medium (communicating with the deceased), a building where ghosts reside can be informational about the past (information received is not admissible in courts), but can also be overwhelming, depressing, or even uplifting.

Information can be gleaned from the physical building shell or items left behind (psychometry), the echoes recorded by the walls or structure (reading the energy of the residual haunting of just memories left behind), ghosts or other beings on the premises.

I do not ever force someone to cross over, ever. But because I can feel what the earthbounds feel or felt (medium), I can feel their pain, heartache, fear, love, desires, and perhaps their death. I’ll also listen to their story, then try to educate and encourage them to cross over if they are ready.

I cleanse my own energy as I leave a place so that I ‘m not carrying anything paranormal away from the location with me. But, it takes a few days for my memories of what I experienced energetically to fade away.

By Jan Toomer


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