I’ve never reviewed a movie before, but one movie kind of blew me away.*

We, the human race, are still working on healing and releasing our pasts. So what does that have to do with a movie? Especially since this movie is a family musical cartoon.

This movie, Encanto, is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and was released in November 2021. If you haven’t seen it, stop reading now as this review may have a spoiler in it.

Encanto is a story about a toxic family – who has abilities – and of generational trauma. It addresses those topics with a colorful cast, catchy music, and is presented in typical Disney fashion…with multiple layers going on with the story line.

I watched Encanto three times in two weeks. The first time I watched the movie as entertainment.

The second time, I tuned into the family members’ not “good enough” aspects of the story. I cried.

The third time, I focused on the aspects pertaining to the healing of the family. Yeah, I cried again.

I realized that, on an energetic level, Encanto’s energy may be a trigger for some, and/or a healing mechanism; for example, those who were raised, or are in, a family with a narcissistic parent or in relationship with a narcissist and/or was, or is being emotionally abused.

A history of emotional traumas or not, I think Disney’s Encanto is entertaining.

*(NOTE: I am not a therapist or mental health specialist. I can only share my energetic interpretation and my personal experience.)

Review by Jan Toomer


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