Sounds like the start of a bad joke, right? But it’s not a joke.

We talked last week about new guides coming onto our teams (Kickin’ and Screamin’) to help us with the newest level of energy we’ll each be working in.

And we are being asked to not forget the other inhabitants on Mother Earth. We truly are all in this together – through the good and the bad. The animal kingdom does have some messages and guidance for each of us.

A Walking Stick, Butterfly & Coyote Walked Into My Path

In a span of a couple of hours, all three had crossed my path – and not subtly. They demanded my attention; there was no way to miss seeing them.

Animal guides, or animal messengers, are those crossing our paths or visiting us in dreams or visions to bring a message or an awareness.

They will catch our attention, such as a butterfly gently landing on a person or on a spot where one will definitely see it. More examples may be an animal crossing the road in front of you or be parallel with you; resting on your car hood; hanging from your window screen; sunning or sitting in your front porch or driveway.

If you need help understanding or interpreting their message, you can search online (such as typing in “animal totem, coyote”). Oftentimes one (or more) lines of interpretation may jump out at you or resonate with you; that’s usually the message they’re bringing to you.

So please remember that during this time of our new growth, many beings are working to guide us – including the animal guides that cross your path or enter your dreams. You also have your team of guides helping you!


Book Reviews of Animal Guidance and/or Communication:

by Jan Toomer


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