I was talking with a dear friend recently who said something along the lines that I should get back into my photography.

“I need to walk to do that,” I responded. Having had surgery on my knee, some complications, followed by working on strengthening my knees and my back, only light walking for now; none of the tromping through the desert yet.

He reminded me that there’s plenty of opportunities around my own home.

I gave myself a mental forehead smack. “Did you see the picture in the last newsletter?” I asked.

He hadn’t.

“It was a coil. I have a new series called ‘Beauty in the Mundane’.”

That’s what he was talking about; photographing the beauty in the mundane.

We become so comfortable – so familiar – with our immediate surroundings and our own little life space bubble that we can lose the appreciation of what is around us. We don’t think of the beauty – whether it’s the aesthetics, architecture, design or the complexity of its creation – in what surrounds us.

Everything’s Energy

My husband teases me for thanking my SUV for taking care of me, especially when I have to react quickly to avoid another driver’s inattention. Though my SUV is not alive, nor do I believe have a consciousness, I do know the vehicle responds to energy.

Remember, everything’s energy and energy is everything. To me, appreciation and gratitude – even to inanimate items or objects – are some of the highest vibrations. I believe all of creation, inanimate and animate, benefit from our positive energy towards them.

Looking, really looking, at our surroundings and what is contained there and offering appreciation or gratitude for them can assist us in starting to see the beauty in the mundane.

By Jan Toomer


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