~ Part One ~

I turned and ran. I ran away from the Tracker and from the Complex life. In pure survival mode and driven to succeed in gaining freedom, I pushed myself hard.

The Tracker wasn’t trying to hide his pursuit as we both crashed through the terrain. Though I didn’t think he was moving as fast as he could. Maybe playing with his prey before capture?

About 200 yards in front of me, someone dressed in all black stepped out from behind a tree. “Hurry! Come with me! We can help!”

Ugh! Out of the frying pan and into the fire? No way.

My brain became calm and gently guided me to swerve out of the path of this new person.

As I moved behind a massive tree, my brain said, “Picture a safe place in a clearing, near water, far away from both of them. Now, turn sideways and move to that location.”

Some part of me instinctively knew this was possible, so I followed the directions…and ended up in a clearing by a healthy stream. I ran to the scrub brushes and vomited. After the feeling of the world was spinning subsided, I decided I needed to think about maybe never doing that again.

After I took care of me, I settled down to rest. My body wasn’t used to all of the running, stress and whatever that was that got me to this clearing. I was exhausted.

Stretched out once again to rest, my mind replayed everything again, and added new questions.

Why would they send a Tracker after me? Who was the person in all black? Was that person a Feral? If so, did the Ferals join up and make another type of Complex?

Annoyance rippled through my body. I just wanted to be left to myself. I have to be away from everyone to get my head on straight. I drifted off.

As the days progressed, my thinking became more clear and my memories expanded. The memories were still in parts and pieces, but those pieces were multiplying.

One memory fragment was of learning how, pre-Complex, the area leaders had put chemicals in our water supplies and our food. Those who consumed it became pliable and were easily suggestible. We became puppets and were then relocated to Complexes and managed within the walls of the Complexes. Chemicals or drugs were served daily to keep us compliant and to maintain our amnesia of our lives pre-Complex.

The longer I was out living in nature, away from the “dumbing down” chemicals and the propaganda, the more I got to know me and the more I was able to remember. Though I never got the answer as to why all of this was done…

* * *

Now, you may think this is talking about the world we’re living in today. Yes and no. It is speaking to some of the things going on in our physical world today. I don’t think I need to go over those aspects.

This was a small part of a dream I recently had. The energies we are experiencing now is asking us to work on our relationships. These relationships are with ourselves, our community, our work, our government, and any other relationship we have with anyone else.

As I mentioned, this was but a small portion of a recent dream, and for me, this was an instructive dream, but will share with you some of the symbolic interpretations of this dream. This dream spoke to me about:

  • My existence pre-Earth life (forgetting who I really was when I entered this life as Jan).
  • My life on Earth as I “fell in line” with the beliefs and the systems on Earth.
  • The working for the good of the Complex (work was all about the upkeep of the Complex and its illusions).
  • The glimpses of life pre-Complex (before the chemical induced amnesia). The grief of remembering those I loved, lost and forgotten. This could be applied to both chemical interference as well as the Veil of Forgetfulness when I incarnated.
  • The best friend forgetting who I was, but then had a brief glimpse of my husband and I visiting her at Christmas. The Veil of Forgetfulness had been gifted most everyone before entering into the lives we each have now.
  • The undercurrent I felt from the people pretending to be content, but underneath they were unsettled as was I. There’s plenty of that going on in our physical world right now, but it also speaks to being unsettled because we know we are more than we seem, we just couldn’t remember that.
  • “Feral”, the outcasts, the one’s who refused to play the Complex-game. Therefore, they were a threat to maintaining the illusions that were so carefully constructed to keep us humans engaged in the Complex-game. Those who are remembering who they are – really are – are not interested in perpetuating the illusions of the game of “life”.
  • The Tracker would be those delegated the task of keeping people contained. If word got out that one person just walked away and quit playing in the Complex-game, anarchy could ensue. More people would rebel.
  • The longer I was away from the controlled environment, and the drugging of the food and water, the more clear my mind and my thinking became.
  • The more I was away from the others who were consciously or subconsciously perpetuating the game, the more insight and awareness I had of self and what is real.
  • And when we get in touch with ourselves, we can do amazing things.

* * *

There are many types of dreams – this partial that I shared was an instructional type dream for me. Again, for me, it was showing me the correlation between the dream, real life and the symbolism presented to me.

Not all dreams are loaded with symbolism, teachings and insights. Some dreams are just down right goofy, and these are to remind us to have fun. There are links below to a couple other articles that delve a bit more into dreams.

I hope this gave you something to think about in your reality. I wish you success in your dream interpretations – or find an dream interpreter to aid you in finding the message or messages in your dreams.




In Your Dreamshttps://www.metaphysical-studies.com/in-your-dreams/

by Jan Toomer


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