So much seems to be going on and possibly throwing some off kilter. Politics, both personal and business relationship upheavals, and even the weather.

We don’t know who to trust. It may even seem like nothing around us is stable or reliable anymore.

And isn’t it wonderful?

Okay, before you decide I’ve gone completely off my rocker, let’s take a look at why I think that.

We’ve talked about our programming from birth on up, and how we were trained to listen to pretty much everyone else but ourselves. We’ve even been encourage to follow the majority. In other words, “Don’t think for yourself. Let us do that for you.”

Yeah, well those days are coming to an end.

It’s not like yesteryear when the local weatherperson was teased and joked about for inaccurate daily weather reports. We’d roll our eyes, shrug, or say, “That’s our weather report for you.”

This is more serious. Many don’t deep down know who’s lying or who’s telling the truth. Some put on blinders and follow the person or group that may be lying, but right now they’re saying what you want to hear.

Or people are being pitted against one another to create chaos. This can even been seen on smaller scales, as in friendships; going against another for a raise or prestige; or prompted by someone considered higher ranking than them pitting two or more against each other just for the heck of it.

And some things just plain old don’t make sense – like hearing gobbledygook coming out of someone’s mouth. You may think, “Does this person even know what they are saying? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Then there’s the common sense rule which appears to have been thrown out the window.

So dang frustrating!

And so dang wonderful!

By these acts and words of inconsistency and lack of reliability, we are being highly encouraged to think for ourselves. Woo-hoo!

This also means we have to not only pay attention to self, but start listening to self. The self who has been repressed for most of our lives.

We are put in a position that means we can no longer blindly listen to everyone else. Or to blindly follow like a herd of sheep. And, if one decides to keep the blinders on, chances are things may become even more chaotic and turned sideways for those clinging to the old energy ways.

This is why I’m so excited. More and more people will start listening to self – to learn to trust what self is feeling. And to get to know self.

And I, for one, think it’s pretty cool. Yeah, it may be uncomfortable for a bit, but putting in the work, I think, will be well worth it.

By Jan Toomer


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