We are in some unusual times and having never-experienced-in-our-lifetime happenings.

Once such thing is the shortage of people to work in restaurants, stores, hospitals, clinics, and just about any business of service. One side affect to these employment shortages means more pressure is put on those working. This in turn has the possibility to bring about burnout. And energy workers are not exempt from burnout.

I’m not downplaying or lessening anyone’s business, art, skill, talent or ability. I am, though, going to use energy workers (aka alternative health care services) as an example.

When the lock down was about 8-10 months in, the alternative practitioners became very busy as many others began exploring their spiritual and/or energetic side. This had led to some exhausted and possibly spread-too-thin practitioners.

Using myself as an example, you may have noticed that while I still offer my services, I also show a referral to another practitioner for healings and readings. I worked to streamline what I was doing daily, so I wasn’t working 10-12 hour days and not exhausted.

Some Signs of Burnout

Some symptoms of possible burnout may be*:

  • feeling drained
  • feeling overloaded or overwhelmed
  • exhausted mentally and physically
  • feeling stressed
  • possibly beginning to feel numb
  • not excited to get up and do it again / no enthusiasm
  • depression

* I’m not a doctor or mental health specialist. I’m offering what I see energetically. I do recommend seeking help for depression if needed.

Setting boundaries – and keeping to them – to maintain a balance is an important step to keep from burnout.

Everyone’s abilities, skills, arts, and/or talents are needed on Earth right now. Everyone’s energies are needed now. We are each very important to Earth and all of its inhabitants. Please, work to find balance and avoid burnout. Seek mental health support if needed.

Some possible things you can do:

— Set boundaries (and it’s okay to refine them as you go). Some boundaries may be: working only between 9a and 5pm; only accepting X amount of clients each day – leaving some time in between to regain balance; streamlining what you are going to work on so you aren’t spread so thin.

— “Me Time”. Schedule “me time” for yourself, preferably each day. Meditation, a long bath, gardening, etc. to help bring you back into balance. You can also schedule time for your grocery shopping, or any in-town tasks you need to do. If you schedule your “me time”, you are less likely (with self control) to schedule someone else in that slot.

Shine brightly and healthily!

By Jan Toomer


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