We’ve all experienced them whether we are consciously aware of them or not.

Energy downloads, updates, or whatever you care to call them. A lot comes in on a high pitch whine in your ear. Others ride the waves with the heavy gravitational pull of the full moons. And others yet come in with the assistance of a push from solar flares and different planetary alignments.

We’ve felt waves of nausea and/or had feelings of wonkiness or dizzy spells during some of the more packed energy downloads. We’ve had short bouts of feeling awkward or even clumsy in our own body. And sometimes we become super energized and may have trouble sleeping. All while our physical bodies and energetic bodies processed and integrated the new information and energy changes.

Many who understood they were receiving downloads also knew tons of information was going straight into their brains. And we’ve been curious…what is the information? Why can’t we consciously access it?

Spiritual “Google”

Connecting to the true ether net, where all knowledge is accessible to everyone, is kind of like the Spiritual Google search engine. Put in a keyword or topic to search, and you can begin looking for the information that may resonate with you.

The best example I believe I can provide is to take a look at inventors. How is it one invention can be created, at the same time, by various seemingly unconnected people across the world?

The inventors thought of a need or had an idea. They energetically reached out and voila’! Unfortunately, the only one to get recognized for it is the one who can afford the patent rights on it.

Spiritual Google is a handy tool, but it’s different than our downloads.

Can You Hear it Now?

If you’ve not begun, you very well may soon. The information we’ve been receiving from energy downloads is beginning to make itself known.

However, it depends on your energy frequency. The information “locks” are triggered by one’s own frequency or vibrations. When one reaches XX frequency, then the corresponding lock opens and releases the information. The information you’ve received is released when you’ve reached your decided upon frequency.

And we’ve begun unlocking them.

A heads up though. Most have noticed the information when they are not plugged in to electronics. In other words when they are not focused on the phone, tablet, computer, TV, etc., which are lower frequencies. The release won’t be found while playing in that kind of energy.

But don’t freak. I still use my tablet, computer, etc. It’s when I’m not using them, and when I’m firmly in the now, that the information reveals itself.

How Can it Be Recognized?

A knowing.

For me, I was sitting thinking about needing to write an article over the weekend. I went within to seek a topic, and suddenly had so much information – contained within my being – that I think my jaw dropped. It felt totally different than my connection to my Team or channeling information. This massive amount of information went through my mind rather fast. I’m sure I’ll be able to slow the information down as I work with it.

Yeah, informational overload…but I found my topic! Ha.

If you’ve not experienced a knowing: it’s knowledge or information you suddenly just know. And you know, with certainty, that it’s correct…it’s a truth for that moment, incident, topic, etc.

The downloads are received in each individual’s energy field (or brain, if you prefer, for better mental imagery), where it remains until triggered for release. It can be compared to opening a zip file on the computer. You can’t see what’s in it until it’s unzipped and opened.

What Do We Do With The Information?

The information is person specific. What you receive and interpret will be different than what I receive and interpret. This is because your life path is different than mine, and different than anyone else’s.

Just as we’ve been working on fulfilling our soul’s path, a lot of times without being consciously aware of doing it, the same can be said with the unlocked energy information. When you need to be consciously aware of the information, you will be. Otherwise, it will work quietly in the background and you’ll continue doing your work by being you.

But now, you can consciously be aware the information may be consciously accessible, so you can be on the lookout for it.

Can you hear it now?

By Jan Toomer


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