Shadows shift and change with the movement of light, creating a sense of movement. This can light your imagination…what’s hiding in the shadows? You imagine what it may look like, this thing lurking in the darkness. What does it feel like? What might it do?

You build, color, and animate it with your thoughts – feeding it with your mental imagery. Then you are no longer chasing shadows, you are creating your reality with them.

You have built a stage to play out the scene you created…all started by chasing shadows. The dark space, hidden from light, ready and willing to receive and accept your fears – to help shape, mold and bring them to fruition through your own thoughts.

Chasing Rainbows

Okay, I know that may sound froo-froo, but bear with me.

Chasing rainbows, for today’s article, does not mean a self-induced ignorant bliss. I’m talking about Light – the opposite of dark and shadows. The light of any uplifting color, many of which are found in the color of a rainbow.

This energy, frequency or light is also ready and willing to receive and accept – to shape, mold and bring those higher vibrations into your reality.

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

If you were paying attention to your own energy, you probably felt it become heavier when you were reading about chasing shadows, and lighter when reading about chasing rainbows.

If you didn’t feel this, you may want to re-read with the intent to notice the difference in your own body.

You accepted the picture and energy into you that my words painted and shared with you.

We can each create and build our individual realities using whatever we each accept and allow into our energy – and by what our own thoughts create.

Having said that, we each contain shadow and light within us. It’s part of our human experience, and putting blinders on and ignoring one aspect of ourselves does not make it go away – and it may create an imbalance. I believe it’s important, though, to acknowledge the side that you pretend doesn’t exist. Again, you don’t have to feed it, but, depending on which side you feed, that is what will play out in your reality.

Remember the yin yang symbol? White has a touch of black, and black has a touch of white. We are both. We don’t have to feed both, but in order to progress, to heal our pasts, past lives, ancestral and bloodlines, we have to accept all aspects of self.

For me, personally, I’d rather put my imagination, energy and creative abilities towards the higher frequencies…to chase the rainbows. But remember, it takes rain and light to create rainbows.

Here’s to loving all of self! Shine on!

By Jan Toomer


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