I started back to physical therapy at a new place in the end of September. It’d been about a year since my surgery (and the screw ups from the surgeon and staff), so each week at this new place has brought much healing and progress. But I’m not done yet.

As I work daily, I usually stay positive, but sometimes get frustrated that I’m still at it. Then I remind myself that it took a year of living with the damages incurred from surgery, and undoing those damages and retraining my body are not instantaneous processes. So I get up and do it again, focusing on how much wonderful progress has already occurred.

In the United States, we have been working on healing and releasing a lot more than one year’s worth of operating incorrectly. The U.S. has hundreds of years of healing, releasing, rebuilding and restrengthening to do.

We don’t always see what’s happening on that front. We’re often focused on the turmoil popping up around us. We are at a time of cleaning up the United States. Turmoil is being exposed so we CAN see it and begin working on healing and releasing the negative crap that had been operating just below the surface of the United States.

Yeah, it sucks crunchy peanut butter.

What we need to remember is a lot is happening to aid our country’s healing. But we will continue to see the ugly truths of our country’s past hidden, as well as known but ignored machinations as they are exposed and brought to the surface. It took a long time to get this bad. It’s going to take some time to clean it all up.

No fear. No blinders. No blindly following anyone.

Live and walk in truth, and listen to your true self. And do it again tomorrow.

By Jan Toomer


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