The energy during this time is pretty intense and one of the things it’s asking of us is to “do you”.

Many say they feel more in their head right now – and it varies from depression, all that is wrong, not having control over ‘X’ (someone or some situation), to physical care (may be forced it you weren’t already doing it consciously), to working on what self wants and doesn’t want.

With Mercury Retrograde, we each get to stew in wherever we are right now, and we’ve the opportunity to be present where we are so that we can get a good understanding, followed by making a decision to stay in it, or begin the process of changing it. And the weather is encouraging one to withdraw and go within.

Surrender and/or Move Forward

You may have a choice to surrender (quit trying to control everything and/or everyone) and allow energy to flow naturally…or…perhaps a choice to step forward (leaving the past situation in the past). Some may have a combination (preferred) to surrender one’s desire to control, take a step forward and begin anew.

What constructive changes can you make to become more of who you are?

Letting go of trying to control everyone and everything can be scary at first – but when accepted, it can be very freeing.

Through my own ‘trying to control everything and everyone in my reality’ experiences, I discovered I’d dishonored everyone involved. I was basically acting as if their soul, higher self, etc. didn’t know what they were doing…and that belief was the furthest thing from the truth.

Physical Self Care

It’s just like it sounds…take care of self. If you don’t, some things will be highlighted, perhaps forcing you to take care of yourself.

But it’s not limited to only physical self-care; we are a complete package. When one aspect – mental, physical or spiritual – is out of whack, it affects the other aspects.

What Self Wants

Yes, it sounds selfish because most of us were raised by society that thinking of one’s self was selfish. If you think of yourself exclusively and/or at the cost of others, then yes, there’s a problem.

If you think of yourself as far as taking care of your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being, then kudos! It’s like the airline instructions; if the oxygen masks drop, put yours on first. Then you can help others.


If all you can see is negativity, or all that is wrong in your reality, then there’s a problem.

When I work with someone stuck in an energetic rut, I recommend they list at least four positive things at night that they are grateful for from the day. This allows them to end the day on a positive note, reminding your energy that not everything is negative. This exercise may be the beginning step to changing one’s perspective.

Seek Help

If you ever find you can’t get out of depression or can’t get out of the rut, please seek professional help. There’s no shame asking for help.

Do You

Take care of you. When you’ve got yourself sorted, then help others.

But first, do you. It’s okay to do you.

by Jan Toomer


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