~ Training Wheels Are Coming Off ~

As the energies amp us to help us (our physical bodies; emotional traumas that are still hidden within our bodies; our energy fields, etc.), we are feeling worn-out, and some may even be questioning their decision to have carnated here during this phase of Earth’s transitions…and of humans’ transitions.

Our Teams request that we hang in there. Though many of us don’t have the Grand Picture of how things are to transpire, please know that your Higher Self does have that information. This means you knew what was going to transpire before you came into this lifetime.

– Have faith in your decisions and knowledge you had before coming into this lifetime.

– Stay out of fear.

This is very important. More changes are coming, but don’t buy into the fear.

There are some who will once again try to cultivate, then fan, fear as well as separation, and are relying on that fear and separation so they can remove more human rights while people are distracted with the planned diversion.

No fear. Stand for Truth. Stand for harmony and balance.

We humans are stronger than, not less than.

5D Mother Earth

Back in February, Mother Earth gave the go ahead to ground fully into the 4th Dimension. Well, she has now opened it up to the 5th Dimension.

In the past, when I played around with grounding in different dimensions, if I grounded somewhere where I was not in harmony with, I would become clumsy, my thinking process was a bit muddled, and I got annoyed easily; definitely not balanced.

Within each Dimension, there are levels of frequencies – step-ups if you will. For me, I don’t just ground into 4D or 5D. I ask that I ground into Mother Earth at the highest frequency that I can safely handle at this time. For me, it ensures that I will ground where I need to be.


Yep, that’s still going on, and it is not going away.

Activity continues to increase as does sightings.

The positive ET’s are our space kin, and wish to see us succeed in releasing the past, releasing the darkness in all areas of our lives; the governments; the Earth.

We aren’t alone.
We’ve never been alone.


It’s recommended that, as we near August 25th, we should have in mind how we want to live our life – what we will and will not accept – because August 25th is a threshold, and once we step over that threshold, it’s said that we will live in what state we were as we took that step. I, personally, prefer the balance, harmony and grace as opposed to their opposites.

This phase that we are entering when we cross the threshold is, well, where the training wheels come off. Our thoughts, our creations, our manifestations are also amping up.

In other words, some of our leeway (aka training wheels) is over. It’s time to get serious about your creating.

The more that cross the threshold with the intent of peace, harmony, balance and standing tall in the Light, the more the darkness control, negativity, fear-mongering, etc. loses its grip on humans.

It’s time to end the darkness.

This Update

Boy, this update may seem kind of heavy to some, but it’s really not. This is the beginning of why we – Lightworkers – are here. It’s finally the start time to do what we came here to do.

So, at least for me, I find this update exciting…kind of like, “Yes! Finally!”

No one is saying it’ll be easy, but it is nowhere impossible. Uniting together and rejecting the fear, we can accomplish anything.

We. Are. Creators.
We. Are. Powerful.
We. Are. The. Light.

You. Are. A. Creator.
You. Are. Powerful.
You. Are. The. Light.

Shine On!


Energy Update – February 7, 2023

Energy Update – June 5, 2023

How Can I Be Sure?

By Jan Toomer


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