~ Emotional Roller Coaster Ride! ~

Holy moly! I really wanted off the roller coaster ride this past week!

For me, it started with the Icelandic volcano eruption. Some energetically experienced the Icelandic volcano eruption Monday or Tuesday (depending on where you live). We can experience the energetic precursor to eruptions as:

  • A feeling of anxiousness / anxiety / edginess
  • Sleep disruptions or insomnia
  • A feeling of pressure building and it disappears after the eruption occurs. This is in sync with the pressure building within the volcano and a release as it erupts.

Then we had a wild ride on Friday, July 14th. Many, me included, were all over the place. My emotions were confusing me. I ranged from cranky, angry, sad, calm, impatient, and unsettled. I was also extremely exhausted, severely clumsy, and frequently felt out of it or of being elsewhere. And I was getting really annoyed with my inconsistent self that was triggered by…who knew what. Ugh.

Finally in the evening, like someone flipped a switch, everything settled.

What the heck?

Hubby suggested that we had a day of being bombarded by some hefty activity going on with the sun and with Earth. Come to find out, he hit the nail on the head.

The Schumann Resonance

This is Mother Earth’s heartbeat energy, and on the 14th, her heartbeat ranged from 0 Hz to 34 Hz. In other words, she was all over the place. And guess what? Earth’s resonance is closely related to our – humans’ – brainwaves, hence our emotional and energetic roller coaster ride.

This means the frequencies covered Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma frequencies.

A truncated look at the different brain states:

  • Delta – 0 to 4Hz. Deep dreamless sleep and stimulates healing.
  • Theta – 4 to 7 Hz. Deep meditation, stress reduction, deep state of mental concentration, dreaming.
  • Alpha – 8 to 12 Hz. Relaxed but alert, creative, reflection.
  • Beta – 12 to 25 Hz. Alert, decision making, cognitive state of consciousness.
  • Gamma – 25 to 60 Hz. Rare occurrence. Multi-tasking, processing with both brain hemispheres.

So, yeah, no wonder we were kind of all over the place.

And this didn’t include any C, M or X solar flares, or any other geomagnetic activity that may have been occurring during the week.

What Did It Do?

This Schumann Resonance roller coaster ride was:

  • bringing in frequencies to help us with 3D purging
  • aiding in removing blockages
  • and brought various “upgrades” via energetic downloads. These downloads are helping us in receiving more coding.

By coding, I mean energetic and possible physical adjustments and upgrades for:

  • E.T. work
  • attuning us to help us adjust to not only 5D energies, but also 6D and beyond energies, alternate dimensions / plane frequencies.

Remember, we’ve always been multi-dimensional, just maybe not always conscious of it, nor have we been so consciously active in multidimensional interaction. Of course, if you’re reading this, chances are you probably have been consciously doing more and more multidimensional activities or interactions.

What Can I Do During These Extreme Energies?

Grounding and re-balancing self, as many times as you need.

I decided to put it all to good use and redirected myself by prepping and washing bottles that I’ll be repurposing. I also updated my filing, billing and scheduling.

In other words, instant gratification via physical activities. This way, I achieved several smaller tasks so had a sense of accomplishment.

  • Find something positive to ground you. Walk in nature, gardening, etc.
  • Be patient, kind and gentle with yourself, instead of cranky at self. Do not recommend cranky at self.
  • Be patient, kind and gentle with others. They’re experiencing the energies in their way as well.
  • Interact with water (hence my washing bottles to repurpose) in a safe way. Water is very cleansing for our energy.

And remember, we signed up for this. Yes, I look like I hadn’t slept in weeks, but I have been sleeping soundly.

Self-care, patience, allowing downloads to integrate smoothly and knowing that we can do this; this is why we are here. We also do this to aid others energetically following the new paths we each are working to forge.

We got this. Breathe.

By Jan Toomer


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