~ Back To Work ~

I know many people go back to their jobs on Monday, but that’s not what we’re discussing today. It’s back to work on self.

Astrologists have already put out information about the planets Pluto (until Oct. 4th), Venus (until end of June), Jupiter (until Sept. 12th), and Saturn (until Sept. 29th) being in Retrograde. We also have Mercury Retrograde June 18-July 12 and Neptune Retrograde June 23 to the end of November.

Oh, and on top of this, after having had a bit of a lull which has ended, we are experiencing solar flares again. Space.com reported the “biggest flare since 2017” on May 29, 2020. As many have learned, solar flares also bring energy waves to Earth and to us.

What does all of this mean? Can anyone say roller coaster ride?

It means it’s time to once again adjust to the energies coming to Earth and into us. It’s time to get back to work.

You Might Experience

Tiredness, achy, and maybe feeling a bit off-kilt. Also bouts of feeling energetic as well as bouts of insomnia. And let’s not forget anxiety…maybe lots of anxiety.

And those who work with their abilities may find the ability or abilities are amped up, stronger, and/or clearer.

But there’s more. Nostalgia, sadness, depression, and/or weepy; bouts of self-doubt and periods of feeling all is right. Yeah, like I said…roller coaster ride as we work to adjust to the energies coming in and the stuff the Retrograde planets want us to work on.

The quiet time we are preparing to leave (if you’ve not already) was for us to get in touch with and know our own energy. And now it’s kind of going to get tested as the energies prompt us to dig deeper, clean more, and release more, all while revisiting the past, face our own fears and doubts about self and our relationships, questions about our career, etc.

Unfortunately, the flip side of this is those who haven’t been doing the self-work and energy adjusting prior to March 2020 may express even more bizarre, aggressive and/or chaotic behaviors.


I recommend staying grounded, in touch with your own energy, staying centered and perhaps do some meditations.

Make sure you’ve a good support system. And be supportive of those in that system.

Give yourself time to replenish, preferably daily.

Be respectful of you; listen to you (not the ego voice, rather the heart and soul).

Keep in mind that everyone else may be experiencing these energies as well.

By Jan Toomer


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