~ Know Self ~

Many have had a feeling of disconnect, like being set adrift, possibly not knowing which way is up or maybe which way to go.

Energy-wise, we have a bit longer before we become more settled in this newest energy.

* * *

You catch a glimpse now and then of a small burst of light as you float adrift in the dark of space.

You see in the distance a bright light. Nearing it, hope flares. Relief floods in as you no longer feel so alone.

As you approach this sublime light, you gasp as you realize…

…the Light is you.

* * *

With Mercury Retrograde, you’re encouraged to sit in the energy of where you are at this time. But your Teams want you to know that not only are you being provided this chance to go within and look at self – really look – but also to give you time to help you understand that you are the light that you’ve been waiting for or searching for. It’s always been within you. YOU are the light.

More people are also becoming aware that happiness is not found externally. Money, possession, social standing, etc. are all illusions. And they don’t provide happiness. That comes from within yourself. No where, no thing, and no one else but self.

So while Mercury is Retrograde, please get to know self better, so you’ll recognize you when you see you.

Channeled by Jan Toomer


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