~ Cranky-Time! ~

Cranky here
Cranky there
Cranky, cranky everywhere

Can you guess one of the keywords for this update? *grin* We also have:

  • Annoyed
  • Short-tempered
  • Unsettled
  • Agitated
  • Prickly
  • Grumpy
  • and so on

We’re about two weeks in it now, with it really showing itself – in-your-face – last week.

Unfortunately, and fortunately, it’s not leaving anytime soon.

The energies coming through are working – nay, demanding – that we release the 3D energies and our unsettled and/or unresolved past.

So why did I say, “Unfortunately, and fortunately…”?


It’s this push that has us feeling cranky. Well, that and all the stuff going on in the world…that has brought the cranky out. Not full time, mind you, but it may feel like it just springs up, and you may not even understand the trigger for it.

I warned Hubby that this is what we are experiencing – probably for the rest of this year at least – and that we needed to not play in that 3D energy. I suggested he remember it is cranky-time and to adjust himself accordingly so he doesn’t get sucked into, and become part of, the cranky.


This give us an opportunity to step away from it and offer someone else a chance to step away from it, even if for a moment. An example – I was at the local health food store. They only had two cashiers and some really long lines. I only had two items and stood behind a line of full carts. I had choices:

  1. I could leave and come back later.
  2. I could stay in line and grump about how I’m in this long line and how it’s taking forever. (This is the definite 3D drama response.)
  3.  I could be patient and finish my task.

I opted for patience, which also afforded me time to people-watch. I was tired by the time I reached the cashier, so wasn’t really in a talkative mood, but then I saw her energy.

As she scanned my two items, I said, “Thank you. Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it.” And I meant it.

She beamed; her energy changed. Instant grump-relief.

No, not everyone will react that way. And, you also have to be sincere in your words; insincerity and platitudes are not welcome when one is cranky.


As I did for Hubby, I suggest that you remember everyone is experiencing this; check yourself (so you don’t get sucked in); and if you have your own cranky going on, work to step out of it before you spread it to others. Also, if you can, perhaps provide an opportunity to another – like the cashier experience above—a brief respite from being around the cranky vibes.

By Jan Toomer


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