~ Massive Energy Push ~

This past week we received a massive energy push that kind of took us by the shoulders, vigorously shook us to rattle and break loose a bunch more of any heavy energy that we have been hanging on to, like: emotional anchors keeping us weighed down; stuff we denied or turned a blind eye to, etc. This push is to help us address it and release it.

The degree of intensity varies from person to person and how much release work one has already done.

The push has been very emotional and heavily focused on exposing (to yourself) your deepest and darkest (grief, fears, anger, regrets, losses, shame, etc.), especially in the area of relationships (like personal, business, government, etc.), and asking you to heal and release.

– Unease or restlessness, like something unformed trying to force its way up from deep inside of you.
– Crying or wanting to cry …a lot.
– Deep sleep – either dreamless, or crazy and/or vivid dreams, or both in one night.

This will continue, heavily, until Mercury goes retrograde mid November. Then what? Whatever we’ve not finished breaking loose and releasing is what we will have three weeks to sit in and think about, affording us time to examine what we’ve been holding on to; why we are keeping it, and to ask ourselves if we still really want to keep it.

On the Not So Heavy Side

It’s not all heavy work. There are some experiencing the brighter and lighter side of this energy push.

A shift has occurred bringing another level to one’s soul growth. This could bring feelings of excitement, expansion, lighter, and/or joy. And a wonderful feeling of finally moving forward.

Yep, we can feel that this energy push has also gone to work on the 3D duality, greed, lower energy machinations of power hungry governments and corporations, and we are almost giddy about it.

Oh, and many are getting a pretty neat new guide (or guides) on their team to work with each one of us – and some (that have never felt, known, seen, or noticed before) are actually consciously aware of the new team member(s). Again, another reason to be excited.


by Jan Toomer


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