~ Blue Light & Slingshot ~

There was a big push on our past during August – like it was working to push out any remaining hidden past crap up and out, as well as bringing up anything we were sitting on the fence about, or were unclear as to whether or not we were done with something from our past. Giving us another opportunity to keep it or let it go.

The Week

And then, Coo-Wee, Cher! This past week has been something else!

Either Monday or Tuesday, I was struck with a bright cobalt blue light / energy. It stayed with me until the next morning. It left because I pushed it out. It wasn’t negative, I just felt like I’d had enough; that I was well saturated and didn’t need anymore. I felt it arrived (on Earth, for everyone, not just me) to make energetic adjustments that we needed.

And then there was Friday morning. I likened the experience to having been held in a slingshot for the longest time – pulled tense, cocked and ready to be released – and it finally released Friday. I was jettisoned forward.

My feet hit the floor and didn’t stop until late Friday evening. When I first got up, I felt almost manic – or, for me, like I’d had a jolt of caffeine. I can’t handle the effects of caffeine…I feel like the Energizer Bunny on speed.

This energy on Friday also came with – if you hadn’t grounded – feeling or being scattered, unconnected and/or ishcombibbled. So I highly recommend keeping yourself grounded and centered. You can use this Shielding Technique to get you started.

So does this mean we are done with feeling exhausted? Uh, no. Our bodies (all of them, subtle / energetic and physical) are continuously adjusting and changing; adapting to, and becoming higher frequencies. And it tires us.

The blue light and the slingshot forward are providing us an opportunity to move forward unimpeded. You can still hang on to the past – free will and all – if you really want to…I wouldn’t recommend it though.

Think of it this way…who would want a refreshing drink poured into a cup full of dirt? We’re in a space now where we have a clean cup, ready for a refreshing drink. Unless you want to keep your cup o’dirt. Always your choice.

Hopping Along Earths

Another experience within these last seven days is about a more conscious awareness of working in parallel Earths. I have a conscious memory of working with some people (familiar to me in their space – here, I’ve no clue who they were) who are inhabiting a space / dimension of an Earth in worse shape than our 3D Earth. I seriously didn’t think there was a parallel Earth that could be in worse shape than our 3D Earth, and I’m not being sarcastic.

Stepping Forward

So what does all of this mean for us as we move forward? That we are mostly done with our clearing of our pasts. Sure, not everyone – we all work at our own pace, and that’s fine.

While we may still experience being tired, we should begin to see our focusing ability sharpen once again, and have more consciously recognized experiences showing us truths. Truths like: humans aren’t alone. We’ve support from others – nonphysical beings and from other wheres; that lies and deception no longer can hide in shadows; and so much more!

Not only that, but as we progress on our paths – becoming more of who we truly are – we learn to fine tune our ability to focus our intent, monitor our thoughts and words and create our reality. And with a clean cup, we can begin refilling it with conscious awareness and personal responsibility, making our tomorrows literally our thoughts come true.

by Jan Toomer


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