~ Mind, Body and Energies Are Tired, and More ~


  • Scattered
  • Unfocused
  • Drifting
  • Lethargy / unmotivated
  • Tired – physically as well as tired of 3D stuff
  • Extremely vivid dreams – If you remember your dreams
  • High pitch ringing in ear(s) – downloads
  • Losing/lost interest in engaging in 3D B.S., 3D Earth games, 3D monotony, drama

I Am So Over It!

We are gaining more distance from the weight and pull of the third dimension. Between pulling away and the increase of energetic downloads, we’re tired and just don’t feel like playing or expending energy in the heavy, chaotic and tumultuous third dimension’s illusion of reality anymore. We are losing (have lost) interest in engaging in the 3D B.S., 3D Earth games, 3D monotony and drama. This is showing up as feelings of being scattered, unfocused, feeling like one is mentally adrift and/or feeling lethargic or unmotivated; again, not wanting to engage with 3D.

We’re also experiencing – for those who remember their dreams – a rather large uptick in experiencing very vivid “dreams”. Most of these “dreams” are visitations from deceased loved ones, intense instructional “dreams”, and/or working “dreams”.

I put dreams in quotes because these are not dreams; they are closer to reality than the 3D illusions.

Now, if you’ve had a dream that has unnerved you or frightened you, I recommend you move out of that fear and find an energy reader who is versed in dream interpretation to get to the real reason behind the dream. I say “real reason” because in our 3D trained way of thinking, our brains can sometimes misinterpret the dream message. Our 3D training is and always has been to move into fear, so the brain bases the information gained from the “dreams” from that perspective.

What Can I Do About the Drifting, Being Scattered and/or Unfocused?

I believe there are a couple (if not more) reasons for feeling this way. One is we are tired, and our bodies, mind and energy need some down time. Then there’s the big one…we’ve no idea how we’re supposed to “be”, because we’ve nothing to pull from…there’s no manual on how to live in a dimension that we – the human race in recorded memory – have never traversed before. Yeah, a bit unnerving. This is why we feel adrift.

The good news is, now you can take your energy and focus and start building your new reality. Not as a collective, rather as an individual. If your energy and focus, for example, leans towards creating a peaceful and harmonious reality, then – and this is really cool – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE, but on a bigger and grander scale. The similar energies can harmonize or resonate together which gives the desire or goal an added oomph to get started. In others words, your individual reality focus brings other similar energies together – so we’re really working collectively in that way.


I recommend you don’t stay drifting, unfocused or scattered for too long. Again, like attracts like.

Go. Create.

By Jan Toomer


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