I was recently telling someone that Hubby and I don’t do or tolerate family politics and drama – relative or not.

We each have various family units – whether we consciously think of them as that or not – our energy certainly does.

A family can be (but isn’t limited to):

– Nuclear Family
A couple and their dependent children. For me, I include pet, as they are part of the family unit.

– Immediate Family
There are different definitions for Immediate Family and Extended Family. For the purpose of this article, I am defining Immediate Family as including the Nuclear Family, parents and siblings.

– Extended Family
Those who are one household beyond the Nuclear Family (and can include Immediate Family) such as aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Other Families

We also have the following families. You may disagree with my interpretation (and that’s fine), but I think if you look at it objectively and energetically, you’ll probably see it.

  • Work/Office Family
  • Each In-Person Social Group
  • Each Interest Group (hobbies, etc.)
  • Each Online Group
  • Online Friends

And then we can have:

  •  Neighborhood Family
  •  City/Town Family
  •  State Family
  •  Country Family

But don’t forget the:

  •  Actual political association family
  • The Human Being Family
  • The Inhabitants of Earth Family (including all non-human inhabitants)

And these are just a few of the families we are connected to.

Each family has its own politics. By that I mean each family unit probably has a hierarchy/pecking order, an individual (alpha) who energetically seems to lead or control the unit. Followed by the Beta, and so on down to the one considered to be the black sheep, outcast and/or the oddball.

And I know you’ll understand this when I say – each family unit has politics and drama going on. And this may include manipulation which can be used to maintain control. We may also see jockeying for positions within the family, undermining another, etc.

There can also be one or more family members who are playing the victim role and may dump this energetic load onto any of those who will listen – replaying it over and over. This is perhaps like a stage production where the roles are played over and over until no more people come to the show.

Don’t get me wrong, there are real victims out there. But the ones I’m talking about don’t want to heal or change. They like or are familiar with this role and want to stay there. By doing this, they are perpetuating the drama.

Done With It

Hubby and I are long done. When our daughter got into drugs, and all of the drama connected with that, it ended up burning family politics and most drama out of us. We don’t play the family political games, nor do we (mostly, as you’ll see) allow ourselves to get sucked into those who seek to spread drama. We’re good, thanks anyway.

Are You Sure?

Everyday, and I’m pretty certain several times a day, we are provided opportunities to play the family politics games or play in the drama, or not. It is our choice every single time.

For about a week, Hubby would come home hyped up and agitated. He would tell me all about the “crazy drivers” out on the roads and how many times he was forced to slam on the brakes, swerve off the road, etc. His energy was spiky and showed his agitation, which led to his energy being out of balance. His words and energy kept inviting me to get agitated and in an uproar with him. Drama wanted a playmate.

Toward the end of the week, I gently told him, “I know this is going on and it’ll probably get worse. It happens to me every time I drive into town, too. But I don’t get worked up over it. I know it’s happening; I know it’s going to get worse, and I don’t want to play in that drama energy. I stay vigilant when I’m driving and don’t allow myself to be distracted.”

He asked if I knew why this was happening.

“Yep. There are people who are working hard to keep up with the energy shifts and downloads…those are the ones who want to play in 4D and 5D. And there’s the ones who want to stay in the 3D drama, duality energy, and that’s their right. But, until Mother Earth finishes pulling 3D away from the 4D and 5D, we share the roads (literally and metaphorically).

“Those remaining in 3D are…well…kind of fritzing or short circuiting. And those who were slightly off, or unstable, become a whole lot more unstable. Their thinking doesn’t follow common sense and they are more about themselves. And some have moved into just downright bizarre behavior. And that is their right.

“I have the right to not participate in their drama. And, I’ve noticed, it sometimes ticks people off if I won’t help them perpetuate it. Again, I’m good, thanks anyway.

“So, you have a choice to get sucked into the chaotic drama energy or not. It’s your choice each time.”

And that was just one small example of the human family drama.

Why Is It Getting Worse?

It’s like I described, but let me expand a bit on it. Let’s start with those working on the path to keep up with the energies – I’ll call them Lightworkers (generalized), whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

As a Lightworker, have you been able to have more and more clarity – or see more and more of the bigger picture, then you could, say 5 years ago?

Are you adjusting to the almost constant energy updates or downloads? Though we usually have a period of being tired (or exhausted) as our physical bodies adjust.

Are you seeing more separation in humans? Do you feel chaffed when interacting with those who prefer to stay and play in the more dense energies?

Simplified, third dimensional Earth is all about duality; opposites. Equal opposites. This means as Lightworkers progress their energy or frequency to higher vibrations, there are those who are increasing their dense energy. Equal opposites. As one person raises their energy, another stays and goes deeper into the denser energies. It’s all about balance.

Yeah, it sucks crunchy peanut butter.

So, just a little reminder: you have the choice…each and every time.

By Jan Toomer


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