I’ve heard form quite a few energy workers (lightworkers, etc.) that they’ve been experiencing some wild or vivid dreams – but some of those dreams lean toward, or are downright, nightmares.

I’ve also heard from some who feel overwhelmed with the fear-spreading and/or fear-mongering; the separation of humans; the treatment of animals; and/or the treatment of Earth.

The nightmares, and everything mentioned in the previous paragraph, are fear-based. They are the anchors keeping beings tied to the 3D earth; the anchors keeping one trapped in the duality and separation games. A fear-based sandbox to play in.

I’ve even seen long term spiritual-minded people playing in the fear-based sandbox and following the fear.

Picture This

Many humans, like many other animals, are herd animals; they follow the humans that are in front of them or around them. They don’t want to be separated out or left out, even at the detriment of self.

Then there are the prey animals as well, including some humans and they have no problem using the herd mentality against the herd-humans.

As we work to cut our ties to 3D Earth, the prey humans incite fear to keep the herd humans together, living in fear to stay stuck playing in the 3D fear-based sandbox; or creating drama to suck in as much of the herd as they can. The prey humans are then free to move the herd humans, en masse, in the direction they want the herd to go in…to make them follow the fear. But, it’s all for the benefit of the prey humans, NOT the herd humans.

Okay, that was very generalized, but I think you get the idea.

We each have – every day and probably several times a day – the choice to follow the fear or not.

We can’t force others to quit playing in the fear-based 3D sandbox; it has to be an individual decision.

What can you do if you slip back into the fear-based drama games? Rise above it. I know, it SOUNDS easy, but is it really? No, not always; it can often be a struggle.

Rising above it takes a conscious commitment to NOT play the games. It takes a change of perspective to see it all more objectively.

And if one feels helpless against the tides of fear, I want to remind you that you are not helpless.

What Can I Do?

I can tell you right off that there are somethings you can’t do physically:

  • Change the past
  • Save the whole world
  • Be held responsible for everyone else.

Having said that, you can do a lot energetically. You can:

  • Change the energy of your past
  • Save the world by offering love, light, Reiki, etc. energy to the world for those who wish to partake of your energetic offerings.
  • Be 100% responsible for self, which can have a ripple affect and aid others. We are linked. We are One.

And we are not helpless.

So, we each make moment-to-moment, or experience-to-experience decisions to follow the fear and remain anchored to 3D – to stay in the fear-based sandbox – or to step out, dust yourself off and be the being you are meant to be.

Your choice.

By Jan Toomer


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