As computers became more prevalent in our work and homes, it started becoming necessary to work with ergonomic chairs, keyboards and the like, and to work on getting up and walking about every hour. Sitting so long at a desk or at a computer means sluggishness in both the physical body and energetically…and  our breathing.

Forgetting to Breathe

We all seem to do it off and on. We forget to breathe. I don’t mean stopping breathing or holding our breath for extended periods of time; I do mean not taking full breaths. As we get wrapped up in work, play, chores, etc., we forget to breathe. Our breathing can become shallow or stinted.

For me, my best and deepest breathing is when exercising and when sleeping. Otherwise during the day? Not so much.

Breath is vital, vitality and life. It not only supplies much needed oxygen, but it also moves our energy within and around our bodies. If it’s sluggish, then how do you think your body and energy are faring?

When getting ready to do energy work (healing, channeling, reading, etc.) I take some slow deep cleansing breaths (slow, full, deep breath in, hold momentarily, then let the breath out slowly and evenly). This stimulates energy flow for both the physical and energetic body while aiding me in opening and maintaining a good flow for working.

It’s important to start recognizing that our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and energies are intertwined and that we are made up (at least while on Earth) of all three. We don’t (or shouldn’t) take turns; they don’t work in shifts. We are the total package, and what keeps the flow going between them? Full breaths…they keep the flow going.


As you being working on being consciously aware of your breath, you may want to try to focus on a few slow deep breaths each hour that you’re awake. Keep that flow going!

by Jan Toomer


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