When I sit down to write, I ask my Team, “What shall we write about today?”

For this article, the answer to that question was, “Getting to know you; getting to know all about you…”; the Rodger’s and Hammerstein’s song.

I giggled as those two lines kept playing over and over in my head.

So we’ve been kept in covid quarantine for quite a long dang time, and it sucks crunchy peanut butter. Yet, the positive – or silver lining – for this is that, as mentioned in previous articles, we are being given the opportunity to individually get to know ourselves. It may be in our best interest to take this proffered time to not only look within, but to spend time “Getting to know you; know all about you…”

One of the exercises I ask those I work with is to spend time finding out what their likes and dislikes are. Food, clothing, artwork, etc. Explore, asking, “Do I like this or did I accept someone else’s thoughts on this as my own?”

After some time had been spent on that, I then ask them to take a look at their belief systems; topics such as politics, religion, racism, or whatever topic comes up in their lives; it doesn’t matter how small the topic, or how large. I ask them to ask themselves, “Is this my belief, or did I accept it from someone else?”

I feel it’s okay to accept or adopt someone else’s beliefs or likes as long as it feels right, or in harmony, with you. And it might feel okay today, but may change later. It’s okay to release, now or later, any accepted, adopted or even beliefs or likes that originated with you, that no longer fit you as you move along on your life journey.

I believe these exercises can help you to clear your energy of anything that’s not you, and for you to explore, and discover some more aspects of your true Self.

I wish you the best as you are, “Getting to know you; know all about you.”               


Closer to the Soul You

Be The Best You That You Can Be

by Jan Toomer




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