I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but knew something was definitely “off” with me. I hadn’t done anything different; hadn’t had any interactions with anyone negative; I wasn’t sick…so what was going on?

I was getting frustrated and cranky and feeling out-of-place and out-of-context feelings. It was time to take a look at my own energy field and see if it could clue me in.

I found a dark blob latched on to my energy. I removed it and took a closer look at it. It wasn’t an entity or being (aka attachment), but it carried an energy signature of someone who has been a friend for many years. That was totally unexpected.

I dug a bit deeper into the blob. I wanted to know: What was it’s purpose? Did my friend do this consciously (on purpose)? And, why was it here?

The blob consisted of a lot of envy and a touch of jealousy.

Webster’s defines envy as, “Discontented desire for someone else’s possessions or advantages.”

Wikipedia stated, “Envy…is an emotion which ‘occurs when a person lacks another’s…quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it’…”

I think we’ve all experienced that at least once in our lifetime. But it’s a harmless emotion, right? It’s only in your own head, so no one else knows, right? One would think…

But that great blob of envy attached to my energy field brought discordant-to-me energy.

Taking Responsibility

We’ve been working on taking responsibility for our own actions, words and thoughts. Even though most people may have a fleeting twinge of envy or jealousy, it can have an affect on the other person.

And if it goes beyond a twinge, it builds and builds on the other person. A twinge, build up or anything in between can and does cause someone else harm.

Thoughts create. Your thoughts create.

How Did You Let it Happen, Jan?

Yes, how did I? I clean and shield regularly. Yes, I too am human and am here to have learning experiences. And if you’ve worked with me, you’ll know that we often “allow” those energy signatures we trust to come on in. We let our guard (or shields) down to those people and energies we trust and they are allowed access to us. I allowed that blob in.

Did my friend send this blob on purpose? No, I don’t think s/he was aware of what his/her thoughts were going to do. Though I could tell that s/he was aware of having envious thoughts.

How Do I Know If I’m Having Envious Thoughts?

Reread the Webster’s and Wikipedia’s definitions. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll see if and where it applies to you.

And please remember:

– Your thoughts create.
– We each have our obstacles and lessons – just because someone else’s looks easy to you, doesn’t mean it’s easy for them.
– Instead of placing your energy into what you don’t have (and what someone else does have), perhaps be grateful for what you do have. It’s that kind of attitude that leaves you open for receiving more into your life.

by Jan Toomer


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