Many may find themselves caught in a dichotomy between outrage and peace within concerning the state our country is in.


We may fluctuate between compassion, understanding and allowance to anger, frustration and incredulity.

Allowance doesn’t mean turning a blind-eye, nor does it mean letting someone walk all over you or over others.

The energetic art of allowance, to me, is to grant someone the right to their experiences without forcing my will on their experience or trying to force an outcome for them that I want.

Our souls understand that in order to heal the United States of America, the ugly negative has to be brought up and out. Our physical-ness feels disgust at the atrocities and absurdities occurring from coast to coast.

The United States of America’s crisis won’t go away by itself. We can’t leave it to “someone else” to “take care of” this. I want to be perfectly clear – no action or complacency is a response to the imbalances occurring; not a very helpful one in my mind, but a response nonetheless.

What Do We Do?

So what the heck are we to do? How can one person – aka you – have an affect?

No action and complacency has a huge affect in supporting the imbalance and negativity. But our focus and intent on healing this imbalance can also have a huge affect. If no action can feed the fire, our intent and focus on love, light, positivity, and balance can…gently and lovingly…kick butt.

Remember those beautiful precious moments of peace within? What if you focused that outward? Expanding it out across your town, city, state, region and country.

Or how about projecting love, balance, light and harmony?

You literally have a way, and the ability, to change the world. You. And you’re not alone.

So even if you aren’t a physical participant in working to bring balance, you certainly can do so energetically.

Hold the Light

I prefer the times I am in peace; this space tells me I’m balanced and am holding the light.

I’m sure, if you’re a Lightworker, you’ve heard that many are here to “Hold the Light”, but what does that even mean? And what does holding the light do?

Holding the light is what many Lightworkers came into this lifetime to do. We are natural light bearers. When we’re in balance, we emanate a higher frequency (or brighter light) to aid those who are interested, ready and willing to raise their frequency.

This doesn’t mean we rescue them, do it for them, or give up our energy to them. We just need to be ourselves. Our light, or frequency, is something they can strive for – their energy will reach up and work to get to that frequency.

We don’t hold the light very well if we’re mired in anger, hate, frustration, etc…in other words, fear energy.

By balancing ourselves, holding the light and projecting positive energies, we contribute to the healing process of our country.

Doing nothing is no longer an option.


By Jan Toomer


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