My Thoughts by Sandy Gibson

How did the Supreme Being, come to be called GOD — have you ever wondered who named God or where the name came from?

Have you ever questioned how God can be everything to everyone, always? Have you ever wondered how that can be so?

Every area on the planet, with people, has people praying to and believing in a Supreme Being. He is the same Being, only with different names in different religions. But all people pray to this same Supreme Being.

Let us digress for a moment. The entire universe is comprised of energy. Energy is defined as atoms moving at various speeds. A tree has atoms compressed so tightly that they form matter. Over time, elements of weather, perhaps lack of water, and other factors, cause the tree to decay and die. The atoms will slowly be released until they are moving freely. Another example, easier to visualize, is a cup of water. The water moves freely in the cup. Freeze the water and the atoms become densely packed together and do not move. Then put the frozen cup in the sun. The ice melts and eventually evaporates. The atoms have been freed and they begin to move so very rapidly that you can no longer see them. They are still there, but their form has changed. The same is true for other forms of matter, including the human body. The atoms form into cells, which comprise the parts of the body.

This energy, then, is everywhere. It is merely in various forms and speeds of motion. Some forms can be seen (if they have formed matter), some cannot. However, they are all still there. When the human body ceases to function, we call it death. The matter which was the body begins to deteriorate. BUT, the energy which we call the Soul, in other words, the essence, is still present. It no longer has the shell or casing of the body matter, so it has to change its format. The essence is still intact and does retain memory. How do we know this? As one example, look at birds or animals. How is it they know how to build a nest or care for or feed their young? Their knowledge is called instinct. They know, instinctively, what to do and how to do it. Instinct is nothing more than ancestral memory. It has been done for so long that the cells (comprised of atoms, which are comprised of energy), merely come into play and the bird or animal knows what to do. So it is with humans. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to make a decision and, INSTINCTIVELY, knew what to do?

So, let’s come back to God. If we accept that there are souls which are released after death of the body, then we can accept that the soul energy floats around. It has changed form, but it still exists as energy, with memory. Does it go to Heaven, maybe Hell? In talking with people, metaphysical, laymen and others over the years, my thought is that the soul tends to be drawn toward other souls. My thought then, is that there are groups of souls – energies which have known each other in various incarnations over time – years, decades, centuries. They tend to congregate with each other, over and over. They also interact with each other in various relationships, trying out new and different scenarios in different lifetimes and historical times. In order to have different/varied experiences, these souls need to find different souls with which to interact. So, for the moment, let us accept that there are groups or circles of souls which overlap and are linked. What do they do, other than float around? Let us accept that they do, in fact, have memories. And most likely the group, as a whole, know some soul, who is currently in the body of a human, struggling on earth. It would seem they might, as a group, want to oversee, protect, assist (if they could), that struggling human. They might be called Guides. Since we have free-will down here, they could not help unless asked. But they could act as guardian angels. So, when a prayer is sent up, these energies would hear it and could use their energies to respond. That might explain how prayers are heard.

The dictionary defines the word Docent as a Guide. A name for these Group Of Docents (guides), just might have been shortened to GOD. And that is perhaps, how the name for the Supreme Being came to be called God.

One other thought is, how Hell fits in. How is it we have humans with evil intentions and evil deeds/actions? They are probably born as good souls. But human frailties cause the human to lack confidence in actions and thoughts. Greed, envy, desire can all step in. Before long, all actions can become evil. At some point, there is no turning back. When the human body transitions at death, the energy continues to be the form it was. It may stay that way until it re-enters another human body, at which time it is able to start anew. It is possible some souls transform at death. But, again, memory tends to dictate how that energy moves about.

Energies tend to seek other similar energies. An evil energy would be negative and thus repelled by positive energy circles. As energies seek to move about in groups, being repelled would be a further negative. Thus, being excluded would be Hell — not being able to be part of the group, in other words, an outsider.

~ Thank you, Sandy Gibson


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