~ Part One ~

Before me was a large round room, kind of like an amphitheater, but without the rows of seating. There were steel-looking tables all throughout the room. Each table had a human being on it. There were also some beings who looked like Rutha as well as some extremely tall, lanky human-looking beings with shocking white hair who stood around each table.

I was confused and concerned. What was I looking at? Were the abduction stories right? Were the aliens experimenting on humans? I saw my mother on one of the tables and felt alarm prickle throughout me.

“It’s okay, Jan. Come. Let’s see your mother.”

Again, the people on the tables were in a non-responsive daze. Rutha explained, “Your mother and father have cancer in their bodies. We’re working on them so they won’t die of cancer. We’re also working on and monitoring all these people and their families. We help where we are able and allowed.

“Each being gave permission before they entered into this lifetime, so their Higher Selves had chosen bloodlines we monitor and agreed to be in this program.”

I found out later that my mother did end up having breast cancer. She survived after having one breast and supporting lymph nodes removed. And my father’s bloodline had skin cancer.

But Rutha’s ship wasn’t the only one I’d visited.

Galactic, Intergalactic and Extragalactic

There is a group of beings who come together on a ship. This gathering contains representatives from every galaxy and every species in existence.

When I was younger, I called them the Star Council.

Star Council

“When I first met the Star Council, I was a bit confused. I felt like I was in the bar scene in the first ‘Star Wars’ movie. There were many different beings there and was a bit overwhelming. At first I felt as though I couldn’t understand them – all I seemed to hear was a lot of noise. But, as the curiosity took over, I concentrated and then was able to understand them.

“They showed me hot spots all over our world – various wars – and explained their concern about what these conflicts may do to plants, animals, man and the earth. I saw hundreds of thousands of people praying and begging for all this to stop; tears, fears, and hopelessness. As these emotions began to envelope me, the scene switched to hundreds of thousands who had hope, faith and to those who carried a strong light, a reminder of the balance of energies.

“Before I left, they assured me that humans could progress beyond what they showed me. We can live peaceful lives, but it would take all of us to say ‘No More!’ and bring peace to all the lands.

“The Star Council is like the U.N. of the planets, galaxies and dimensions. Each planet, including Earth, has a local representative to the council.

“The council watches what is happening all around, but interference with Earth, or any other planet is kept to the absolute minimum.

“It is important to the Star Council members that Earth progress, not digress, and that humans do not destroy the Earth because all life is connected. Star Council is concerned with the way things are going on Earth.” ~ Undefined Reality: Advanced Exploration of Extra-Sensory Gifts.

This representative group keep their distance from less technologically advanced beings. If one of these less technological societies are in danger of being disrupted, enslaved or destroyed by an outside negative group of beings, then the Star Council may intervene, preferably without showing themselves.

It was part of this group who had made their presence known to one or more military facilities during the nuclear war head era, as well as during times of war. They showed ships and sometimes manipulated our weapons, but never actually showed themselves.

I Grew Up With Aliens

So, yeah, I grew up with aliens.

These are just a few shared memories. If you think it’s a load of hooey – well, then, okay.

If it’s not part of your reality – fine.

I’m not here to convince anyone. I shared simply so those who have had similar experiences or memories won’t feel so alone. Perhaps this is a validation for those who have had, or are having some of these experiences.

Either way, thanks for reading.

Part Three (and final).

By Jan Toomer


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