Story Time

The guest channeler told me something along the lines of, “You’re going to be offered a seat on the human Council after you leave this human form. It was a surprise for you. Surprise!”

“It’s not a surprise. I wrote about that years ago. It’s on my blog.”

“No, you didn’t know. This was recently decided and they wanted to surprise you.”

Okay, how can it be a surprise if I wrote about it years ago? And, I’m already on the Council. But this channeler wasn’t done with sharing “surprises”.

“Remy* has an offer to for you. She’d like you to go work for her instead of the human council when you are done here on Earth.”

I felt momentarily suspended in disbelief. I didn’t like this feeling Remy was presenting.

Remy, through the channeler, continued, saying she could offer me so much more.

I despise politics. My mind-voice, extremely agitated, yelled, “What the he**! Politics are even on the Other Side?” I. Don’t. Play. Those. Games. Here or on the Other Side. Argh!

Later, after some time and distance helped clear me, I energetically visited and confronted Remy without the channeler. I was going straight the the supposed source of that earlier session. That way the being’s energy wasn’t being filtered or “hidden” by a channeler.

It didn’t go well.

Standing tall and giving off energy of being self-important, Remy  aggressively declared dominance over me both energetically and verbally, “We created you. We own you.”

I hotly and “loudly” rejected it. “No, you did not create me. Your people may possibly have engineered the human body design, but you most definitely did not create me, nor do you own me. You are pompous and arrogant, and I want nothing to do with you or your people.”

Next thing I knew, those energetic beings with whom I normally work with showed up beside me, supporting me. Remy quickly withdrew.

Side Story – The Anunnaki

Remy is Anunnaki.

One story (very watered down here) of how current humans came to be goes something along the lines of this:

The Anunnaki, an advanced race capable for space travel, had come to Earth and tried using the now extinct archaic human species for slave work. They began with the more ape-like humans – more brawn than intelligence. The Anunnaki started manipulating DNA/genes to make the perfect strong being with just enough intelligence to follow orders, but would be easily controlled. Sound familiar? Russia attempted this many years ago to make the perfect soldier.

The Anunnaki over shot and ended up with humans who showed intellect and intelligence. They decided to scrap the Earth experiment and planned on destroying planet Earth.

Other beings put a stop to the destruction of Earth and the Anunnaki left, at least physically.

Noticing the extreme progression of the human race over the last twenty years has piqued the Anunnaki’s interest. Humans, especially today, have begun acknowledging the energetic aspects of our being and started the process of consciously merging our physical and energetic selves as we raise our vibrations. The Anunnaki once again want to “tap” into us. By that, I mean we are nothing to them; they just want to use us for their own selfish reasons.

Back to the First Story

That channeling session and the subsequent confrontation was a while back.

I recently requested an energetic healing with a Healer on the Other Side. This particular Healer opened her arms for a hug (this is how she often infused me with healing energy). I moved towards her and as I neared, I veered away – just like two opposing magnets repelling each other. I wasn’t pushed away by her. I was doing it. But why?

I couldn’t feel or see an answer. Frustrated, I fell asleep without a healing session.

I woke the next morning with an answer as to what had happened.

That one exasperated thought during the Remy channeling session about politics on the Other Side had a deeper impact than I’d realized.

I was unable to reach the Healer because I’d lost trust. I had bitterly felt, “What does this Healer want from me? Is she going to want to use me, too?” It wasn’t a conscious thought, but was based on my whole feeling and comment to myself about politics on the Other Side.

Yeah. So that happened. No one’s fault but my own.

Remember how we talked about how we’re clearing up, healing and releasing our personal pasts (this lifetime and past lifetimes), our bloodline, ancestral line, and the Earth’s history with humans?

We also have to heal any recent (this lifetime) traumas and imbalances occurring in our recent history. My imbalance was created when I had a knee jerk reaction and incredulously asked about the politics on the Other Side. With that thought, and a feeling I had been betrayed (the human victim mode), I misplaced the trust I had with other beings (other than my Team) on the Other Side.

And, if I think about it, it was a silly response on my part; I’ve known that there are positive, negative and grey (those who have no hesitation to use positive or negative energy to reach their goal) energetic beings on the Other Side – just like here.

Also, on a deeper level, I knew that the Healer wouldn’t harm me. My reaction was purely a response from my own thoughts of my experience with Remy, where I’d created an imbalance within.

I restored balance and was able to receive my healing hug.

We are powerful beings, but we can also trip ourselves up with a simple thought or reaction even as we continue to work on clearing our past, healing and releasing.

By Jan Toomer


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