So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within.

“I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.”

But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this life. It’s a programming that I’m asking each of you to stop believing in; stop feeding that falsehood.

Each and every one of us are worthy!

I understand, it’s easier said than done.

There was a saying my mother used on me: “I believe in it, just not in you.” It didn’t matter if we were talking about my abilities, whether energetic abilities or music abilities; my success or happiness, etc., she worked to negate my worth, and I accepted it in my youth.

She had told me that I was so flawed that she couldn’t see how anyone could ever be my friend.


A “Gift”?

Perhaps the one or ones who worked to tear down your self-worth were projecting their own fear of not being worthy onto you; doesn’t make it okay, though.

Or maybe, after living with their own feelings of not being worthy – which they probably received that “gift” from someone else when they were growing up – they didn’t want to struggle with their own lack of worthiness alone, so worked to spread it to others. Again, it doesn’t make it okay.

And a cycle continues.

Why do I call it a “gift”? Because it can be a valuable learning tool when you take on something that someone else has labeled you as; it is a gift you can keep and learn from or you can refuse the gift even before you allow it in your reality. And you can continue to refuse “gifts” or labels from others even today.


But as I matured, I began to process of sloughing off the programming I took in as a younger person. In all fairness, it wasn’t just my mother.

Societal programming comes into play as well. Things like:

  • You haven’t “made it” until you can afford this car/house/clothing, etc. In other words, you aren’t worthy since you don’t have these material things.
  • You’re not pretty/tall/thin/perfect enough.
  • You’re not smart enough.
  • Your performance is sub-par.
  • You’re not wearing brand name clothing.

And the list goes on.

What If?

What if I told you that you are absolutely perfect for the person you are in this lifetime? Your body, the way you think, the way you create…all of it is perfect for you in this lifetime.

You came into this lifetime – on school planet Earth – to live messy; to experience duality, strife, oppression, etc., and to rise above it.

To rise above it and experience unconditional love – both receiving it and giving it – while in a physical body. To experience wealth in whatever form that means to your soul (it may not be monetary); to get back to your true self; to love yourself; and to help others in your own blessed and beautiful way.

So regardless of how it came about in your life, if you’re done feeling unworthy, release it and move on with your life. You see, you really didn’t have to accept that or anything else, from others…you just didn’t know it then that you could reject those “gifted” beliefs of others…but now you know.

It’s never too late to dump those beliefs in the nearest trashcan, and allow self-worth to rise up within you once again.

Release the falsehood. Change your energy. And recognize that you are worthy.

Isn’t it time?

By Jan Toomer


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