Humans have lived from the brain, ego, and in fear for a very long time.

Now we’re transitioning to moving into and living from the heart. This transition may be a little rocky until we adjust; we may occasionally feel emotionally sensitive.

What does that look and feel like? Well, for me, I feel my – and others – emotions a lot stronger than a year ago…and that’s saying a lot for an empath.

Since we’re moving more into the heart – which is stronger compassion, empathy and a lot stronger connection to emotions – one may experience stronger reactions to grief, praise, beauty in one’s world and perhaps feeling “moved” a lot stronger.

A friend called recently and told me some sad news about her horse; I teared up.

In the same call, she complimented me, and I teared up again.

But There Might Be More

Because we are essentially becoming more sensitive, this might include feeling and/or reacting more to shifts and changes on Earth, with Earth.

All the earthquakes, volcanic activity, tornadoes/twisters, or hurricanes and typhoon energies can create anxiousness because it’s a disturbance in Mother Earth’s energy / energy field which in turn creates a disturbance in a human’s (and animal’s) energy field.

For example: For me, when a volcano awakens and is working towards an eruption, I feel anxious and like something is building to a crescendo. I feel the pressure building and I become more antsy until the volcano erupts. When it erupts, I feel calm; no more pressure; and feel able to breathe fully.

Or one might feel occasional bouts of dizziness (aside from any medical conditions); tired/energized/tired; restless; and/or agitated or grumpy.

Any major shift with Mother Earth takes a lot of power or energy to occur. We can feel and we react to this massive amount of energy. This can also make us feel energized, unsettled, agitated, to where we may not sleep for a night or two while Mother Earth is building energy, to be followed by a massive release or burst of energy. And then we normally resume sleeping again and feel calmer inside.

According to, on Sunday there were 43 earthquakes globally that were 2.5 and above in the past 24 hours. That doesn’t include any earthquakes under 2.5, nor did it include volcanic activity worldwide (not necessarily eruptions; rather, volcanoes making noise).

So What Can I Do?

As long as what you’re experiencing doesn’t require medical or mental health attention, I can recommend trying the following:

– Grounding. This may be through visualization; doing some earth work; sitting with a tree; or physical activities appropriate for you.

– Allowing. Let the energy move through and out of you instead of holding on to it, or dwelling on it. Move it out of you and send it deep into Mother Earth’s core (aka grounding).

– Get out of your head and move into your heart. I use a visualization of me standing in my head, then getting into an elevator and riding the elevator down into my heart. I visualize the elevator doors opening and I step out of the elevator and into my heart center.

– Laughter. Pure, genuine laughter (not spiteful or mean laughter), perhaps from watching a funny show or movie; or watching a puppy or child playing.

Being in Your Heart

It may feel awkward, unnatural or odd being more and more into your heart, and that’s okay. You’ve probably been in your head for most of your life. You’re now learning a new habit and this takes practice.

Please have patience with yourself as well as with Mother Earth.

By Jan Toomer


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