A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance?

Let’s take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create?

Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief that’s different from yours.

Having a negative opinion about someone’s beliefs, views, ideas, skin color, appearance, social status, gender, etc. because it’s not the same as yours and you feel you are better than them because of it is judging.

Both judging and intolerance of others behaviors are rooted in fear. Perhaps it’s a fear of going against what you were taught when growing up; or a fear of appearing weak if you don’t strike out at someone else; or a fear of feeling not worthy or less than if you don’t have someone feeling lower than you; or maybe a fear that your beliefs are being threatened. The key word here is “fear”.

Tolerance, for this article, is the act or ability to allow someone their right to their opinions or beliefs without contradiction or hindrance.

Allowing for this article is the act or art of giving someone the space for their actions, beliefs, etc. without judging. Just like you would like to be left to your beliefs, etc. without feeling you need to defend them (which is fear-based), so too should we not interfere with someone else’s beliefs.

We came to Earth to experience duality, have physical experiences and to grow.

We’ve certainly met with duality as well as the many facets of being a physical being. Now it’s time to grow, and one big way, especially right now, is learning the art of allowing and knowing when it’s time to use that, and learning when it’s time to take a stand.

You have the right to your opinions, beliefs and thoughts – and so does every individual on this planet.

You have the right to exist – to exercise your free will. You have the right to food, water and shelter. You have the right to express yourself. And so does everyone else.

Yes, there are people, beliefs, and expressions of self that I do not care for, but that just means – to me – to not interact with them. I’m able to allow them to be themselves, I just don’t have to play in their sandbox, or allow their energy in or near mine.

I will stand up, though, for those who treat people differently because of their religion, gender identity, color of their skin, and how much money they make, and so on. Separating, discriminating, bullying or profiling anyone to make the others feel superior or granting them preferential treatment over others is when I’m ready to take a stand.

Over the years, I’ve had students ask me, “How do you go about learning tolerance or allowing?”

I can only offer my thoughts and techniques on it, but you may find your own way or technique.

Let me start by saying that you can allow someone their rights to their beliefs, but (1) they really don’t need your permission, and (2) you don’t have to accept the act of someone metaphorically trying to shove their beliefs down your throat. There’s a difference between being tolerant and being abused or having something forced on you.

My favorite technique is asking myself, “What if it were me? How would I want to be treated?” Yes, I know it’s not about me, but I try to put myself in their shoes, and act accordingly.


Try not to go into fear. Discrimination and intolerance in any form is based on fear. Fear is taught. Ask yourself, honestly while digging deep within, (sit still and listen – beyond the fear and hate, and see what your soul is trying to tell you) is this belief yours or did you accept it from someone else? As we grow up, we are influenced by those around us – family, school, peers, government figure-heads, etc. as we picked up a lot of their beliefs (or beliefs they accepted from others when they were growing up). It’s okay to walk away from beliefs that aren’t yours.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Practice really seeing someone – look past the hate and fear. Gentle your eyes and look into theirs. See their soul, and when you can do that, the gaps close pretty quick.

We are here on Earth at this time to help clear the negative energy from our bloodlines, familial lines, ancestors, and the Earth’s negative past energies (which were created by us…humans). To do this, we have to get past the triggers that created a separation – of any kind – to become a balanced and tolerant people.

The main key, again, is fear. Even hate is rooted in fear. What are you afraid of? Seeing others without looking through the lenses of fear or hate can, and will, change the world.

Let’s clean it up.

It’s time to intolerance to end.

By Jan Toomer


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