I sat down, connected with my Team and asked, “What should we write about this week?”

A picture popped into my head, followed by, “Just share.”

Two simple little words. But putting into words what I experienced isn’t so easy. I know, I tried on the weekend with a Zoom group I host.

So I’ll attempt to “just share” via the written word. If this speaks to you, then “Yay!”. If it doesn’t, feel free to discard it.


Being born an active energy worker (simplified), grounding was very important to me. If I didn’t ground into Mother Earth, I became spacey-headed and had trouble focusing. If I spend time in nature, either with earth or water, I was fine.

As an adult, I learned how to ground myself into 3D Mother Earth energetically, and have been doing so for oh so many years.

One day my Team requested I trying grounding into 4th Dimensional Earth instead of 3D. They offered a suggestion* on how to do it, so I gave it a whirl. It was pretty cool.

Next came, “Try fifth dimensional Earth grounding.” Awesome.

Then I (not my Team) decided to try grounding one foot into the 4th D Earth and one foot into the 5th D Earth. Long story short, don’t do it.

Anyway, after I was grounding in 5D for a while, my Team approached me and asked that I quit grounding into Earth.


“Okay, what am I supposed to ground into?”



This is where the picture popped into my head initially that I will now – hopefully successfully – describe with words. I presented a picture at the beginning of this article to help create a visual representation.

Again, your choice – take it or leave it.

Energy Source

We are our own energy source, which we can strengthen or fill up as we need.

We don’t call down the Source. We are the source.

We call energy to our self, and for me, it came from all directions and looked like lit up various sizes of shining little stars. Those little lights came to, and into, me. It filled me up and felt so natural, so comfortable and so right.

I don’t feel disconnected from Mother Earth at all – I actually feel in more harmony with her.

So that’s what the team wanted me to share. I hope I conveyed it clearly so, when you’re ready, you’ll give it a try.

Why The Change in Grounding?

Because we are no longer bound to Earth, in any dimension. As long as you are working on releasing your past and healing yourself, you are removing more and more anchors that kept you trapped on and in Earth’s energy.

* A 4th and 5th Dimensional Visualization Technique

A suggestion visualization to ground into the 4th or 5th Dimensional Earth if you’d like to give it a go.

Close your eyes. Visualize to the left of you 3D energy. Now visualize 5D energy to the right of you. That means you are smack in the middle in 4D. Now do your grounding exercise in 4D.

If you want to give 5D a whirl, visualize pushing the 4D over to the left, putting you now in the middle of 5D.

If either of these techniques make you feel discombobulated, please go down one dimension and try again later. I would recommend going to 4th and spending a bit of time there before going to the 5th. Or, you may want to just try grounding to self.

By Jan Toomer


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