“Ordinary” seems to be fading from our vocabulary and with it – possibly – our hopes and dreams for the ordinary future.

But is that a bad thing?

Not necessarily.

In this time of self-creating our futures and healing and releasing our pasts, we may be scared or nervous because what we envisioned for our future may no longer be an option. This may lead to the feelings of being lost, adrift, hopeless, depressed and/or just plain old bleak. Following the masses doesn’t help, and neither does giving over to fear or supporting or even supplicating fear manufacturing.

We’ve previously discussed how our thoughts, actions and words are creating our individual tomorrows. Are the beliefs you continue to maintain still living and locked in the 3D energy? Buying into one or more 3D beliefs keeps anchored into 3D. You know, the dimension of duality, fear, manipulation, mass control, etc.? Or have you upgraded them to aid you in the 4th and 5th Dimensions?

And what if what we know as “ordinary” in the past is to be no more, what’s replacing it?

Ordinary can be defined as – normal, boring, uneventful

What’s the Big Deal of Leaving Ordinary Behind?

Before we each entered into our current lifetime, we spent a lot of time creating an outline for our life. We brought in support teams to have our back while we traversed the 3D, 4D and 5D. Our Higher Self and our Source have never left us.

Before we came into an Earth lifetime, there was no “ordinary”. That’s right. Nothing was ordinary, so, in truth, we are experts at being beyond ordinary. What about becoming beyond ordinary now?

Some antonyms to “ordinary”? Uncommon; exceptional; novel; unexpected; unprecedented; incredible; splendid; marvelous; wonderful; spectacular; stellar; astonishing; inspired; stunning; grand; superb; unconventional; astounding; magnificent; terrific.

Sounds pretty dang good to me.

Perhaps “ordinary” is something to be avoided. Yes, it’s safe because we’ve known it so long, but it really isn’t helping us at all right now. Maybe it never did. And just because it’s familiar doesn’t make it healthy for us; no unhealthy relationship is.

We are playing a 3rd and 4th Dimensional game. It’s all a hologram. It’s not real. We’re here to play the game of forgetting – a game of hidden memories. Who were we before we came to Earth? Who were we when we remembered our connection to Source? And, can we get back there (to the REAL us) while playing the forgetting game?

And now people are seeing glitches in this matrix of the hologram. I really like the ones that people shared on “Paranormal Caught on Camera”, but you can google “glitches in the matrix” and get an idea of what’s going on. Yes, some of them online are pretty borderline and may have possibly been faked, but I have seen some vids that backed up some experiences I’ve had of the matrix glitching. We’re being shown, in the physical, that “reality” here is fake.

Please think about it. Ordinary…stuck, boring, stagnant, same old. Or…the anti-ordinary?

I know what I prefer…I’m all for leaving the ordinary behind – the 3D ordinary with its fear mongering – and bring on the unconventional, incredible, wonderful and spectacular!

By Jan Toomer


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