This section may be updated as your questions make their way to me. Contact Jan.

Q. I shield self and home and yet still get darting orbs and/or other ghost manifestations in my house. Why isn’t the shielding working?

A. This is a common question from those who have mediumistic abilities.

Beliefs: Do you believe the shielding is working? It is powered by your beliefs. If you doubt it, you drop it.

A Walking Portal: A medium is a walking portal and, to ghosts, are walking around with a loud neon sign announcing your abilities. I recommend shielding at least 3x a day until it’s effortless. By then, you should have developed an awareness to non-physical approaches or intrusions.

Boundaries: I also recommend setting energetic boundaries. What you will and will not allow in your energetic space. Understand what you are – yet maintain boundaries – and learn how to get a handle on it. Control it, don’t be controlled by it.

Leaking Energy: Before one gets a handle on their abilities (any abilities), they may leak or eject energy which can create some havoc in their world. Lights turning on and off, electronics malfunctioning, etc. For an example, see:


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