We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that.

Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of our times lines (including parallel lives).

What does this mean? Depending on your interest level and your spiritual awareness (there is no right or wrong, or ahead or behind with awareness), as time lines continue to merge, you have more direct access to the other “you” lifetime’s abilities.

In other words – you here-now (using linear time verbiage) will become closer and closer to the other you in other lifetimes. This can manifest as bleed-through memories of other places, times, locations, etc. — which can be through dreaming, memories, asleep or awake; and it can, as previously mentioned, make your other lifetime abilities easier to tap into.

Other ways it may manifest is to have sudden “Knowings” about something you previously had no knowledge of. For example, waking up one day and having some peripheral knowledge of plants and herbs, or what a struggling tree is in need of. Or perhaps one is suddenly doing psychometry or energy healing. Or one became more connected to their own intuitive self.

Time lines merging has never happened in the human memories of this cycle on Earth. We are no longer confined to whatever talents and abilities the you-here-now brought with in this lifetime.

There is no limit to how it may enter into each individual’s reality.

Why is this happening?

There are a myriad of reasons, but we’ll concentrate of the aspect of: each of us here is working on – consciously or not – healing our individual pasts. This includes not only ancestral lines, but our soul’s lifetimes as well. And since past, present and future are all happening now, it also means access to our other selves in some form.

Q & A’s

1. What if I don’t think that this applies to me?

2. What if I don’t think/feel I am worthy of it?

3. What if I try, with all my might, and still can’t get anywhere near what you’re talking about?

Please remember, I share what I See and interpret energy-wise. If what I share doesn’t fit you, no worries. Take what fits, and either discard the rest or shelve it for later.

In all three of these questions, and any questions along these lines – I would answer, “Then you’re in your own way.”

If it isn’t something you put into your soul contract, then the only thing stopping you is you. Your belief systems that you’ve accepted from others, such as society, family, schools, etc. If it’s not part of YOUR truth, then it’s your blockage.

Keep in mind, we are cleaning our pasts; releasing what isn’t our individual truths and healing, and then our frequency raises.

The more blockages and/or anchors – which might be found in one’s own accepted beliefs or traumas, including emotional traumas – where one has experienced and tucked away in one’s energy or body instead of healing and releasing them, the more work is needed.

And it doesn’t matter how spiritual you think someone else is – or even how spiritual you are – we ALL have anchors and blockages we are working on. Please don’t believe otherwise. That’s one of the reasons we are all here now.

The more we release the more room we will have for the new-to-us-here stuff.

Additionally, for question #3, it’s not like weight lifting. You needn’t strain or push hard to access stronger intuition or other-life abilities. It shouldn’t be this big push or process.

Accessing and using stronger intuition or other-life abilities may be tiring when you first start using them because you’ll be using muscles – so to speak – that hadn’t been used in a long time or maybe never used in this lifetime.

Don’t force. Allow.

By Jan Toomer


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