News & Views From the Other Side

~ The Light Is On and Ready ~

We know this year has been a difficult one at times. You may feel as though you’ve not progressed, but we assure you, you have. And we are all proud of you.

Another surge of energy to support you and aid you began on the 20th. How is this affecting you?

On a personal level, each person may find the energy targeting what ever area of their life that needs addressing. It can be physical, emotional and/or spiritual.

This energy is also targeting areas on the city, state, region and country levels. Again, wherever the energy is needed to bring imbalances into Light.

Some have worried that the negative is expanding, but it is not. It is being illuminated to show the unhealthy imbalances – putting a spotlight on it so it can no longer hide in darkness. This aids the human race to that the imbalances and darkness can be confronted and provided a chance to be healed, cleansed and released.

We ask you to not get depressed or mired down by that which is being exposed. Instead we ask you to send Light to it to help the imbalances to heal and release.

Another way to help is to become active with your town, city, state, region and country levels; taking back responsibility for your town, city, state and country.

It may seem overwhelming at first, but like everything else, take on step at a time. Don’t hide behind online posts, these do nothing to heal the imbalances being shown. Be hands on active.

We, on the Other Side, can’t do it for you. We can’t rescue you all. It must be you who reclaims and rebalances.

“But I’m only one person.”

True, but so are the other 300+ million people in the U.S. alone. That’s a lot of “only one person” who can make a difference.

You are creators. Each one of you. And it’s past time for the creators to step up and take responsibility for their creations.

The energy is available. You have not only us supporting you, but you have each other as well. And you are much more than you each give yourselves credit for.

The Light is on and ready – waiting to be used to help humans rebalance their creations to bring harmony.

Channeled by Jan Toomer


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