We take another step towards becoming who we really are, and seeing others as they really are.

What does that mean?

When we were born into these bodies, we distanced ourselves (in varying degrees) from our real selves – the self not limited by the 3D playground rules. We played the separation game; the label game; the hierarchy game; the duality game; the materialistic game; the fear game; and the density game, to name a few. All of which basically aided us in voluntarily cutting ourselves off from our inner/true self and each others true selves.

We’ve touched upon telepathy (communicating using an energetic means, such as thoughts or mind-to-mind – which is our normal method of communication outside of a human experience), and how we were moving back to that.

If you’ve not reached that yet, no worries. I’m pretty sure you may have reached and are beginning to be consciously aware of your ability to “know”. Know when someone is lying to your or perhaps keeping something from you; and maybe knowing that that truth is. You may also know when something is wrong, off or deceptive despite someone’s reassurance that all is well.

One usually begins this stage by having a knowing on a one-to-one basis; one person at a time. This is kind of like a practice mode.

The next step is becoming more proficient in trusting your knowings. I don’t mean becoming paranoid; energetically, that may indicate an imbalance that may require mental health assistance.

I do mean trusting yourself – your true inner voice who has no desire to play 3D games, including tolerating deception from anyone.

Collectively As Humans

The third phase – which we are all working on collectively as humans – is knowing the truth on organizational or group levels, which includes the 3D game of politics and governments.

We are working on stepping back from the human opinions, fears, dramas, and 3D games in general, and seeing/knowing that these games are no longer needed, beneficial or to be tolerated.

The warbled, disharmonic, discordant, unhealthy energy of manipulation, control, dominance, predatorial practices, etc. on any scale is being – and will continue to be – exposed and/or revealed.

The 3D structure is unraveling. We are being aided and guided to, and reminded of who we really are – energetic beings who no longer need the darkness or shadows to be separate. The light is highlighting, revealing, and releasing the separation of darkness.

There’s no place to hide anymore.

by Jan Toomer


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