Not all paranormal poltergeist-like activity is caused by a ghost; there may be something else going on.

There are different “feels” of a house or home. I don’t mean how one decorated their home. What I’m talking about is the mood of the actual structure.

There are also different ways a home or house can “feel” wonderful or unpleasant. Today we’ll look at egregores (thought forms) first and then a house’s mood.

An egregore is a non-physical entity that can be created by one or more people, and sustained by a group of people’s beliefs, thoughts and/or fears, usually (but not always) created unintentionally.

Displaced Energy Egregore

One example (simplified) may be poltergeist activity triggered by a living human’s unresolved (usually negative) emotions that the human has displaced. This displaced energy starts off resonating through one’s home. The displaced energy can build up and eventually create a thought form and/or poltergeist-like activity. If the egregore continues to be fed by people’s thoughts, fears, beliefs and/or imagination – also known as collective energy – the egregore may begin to build a type of consciousness or begin to think. It knows to seek more energy to feed itself. Since it is created from displaced energy, it cannot create its own; it needs to seek energy to maintain itself.

As an egregore “grows”, it may assume a black mist and/or a black blob or shadow-person form.

Group Consensus Thought

This is another way an egregore can be created – through group consensus thought or belief. This creation cannot provide information outside of the group consensus belief. For example, Santa Claus cannot be anything other than what stories have been passed down over the generations; it has no more depth than what society has created for it. Same goes for the Easter Bunny. These are two long-held egregores maintained by repeated story telling; excitement; and beliefs passed down.

A negative example could be: the Rake and Bloody Mary.

Simply put, our thoughts create.

Your house’s mood is different than egregores. One thing egregores and negative and positive consciousness (for lack of a better term) homes have in common is that both may create paranormal-like activity.

Now, let’s get back to the house’s mood.

House’s Mood

So far, in my experiences, a house can be neutral, negative or positive. Most houses or homes are neutral, but every now and again, I’ll come across a negative and hostile house or a loving, seemingly nurturing house.

In other words, some homes or houses develop a type of consciousness; and I’m not talking about ghostly presences. I’m talking about the structure itself.

I’ve met some homes that were up for sale, and as I did a walk-through for some potential buyers, the house spoke to me. These houses observe the actions and interactions of the potential buyers interested in the house.

Some houses do not want anyone to live within their walls. I liken this to a cranky old man that just wants to be left alone.

The positive homes are often looking for someone to perpetuate the happiness, playfulness, joy and/or other positive energy and emotions within the home. If the potential buyer is not able to resonate with this type of energy, the potential buyer may be energetically dissuaded from starting the purchase, and this may include poltergeist-like activity to scare the potential buyer away.

The positive consciousness (if you will) home can engage in conversation with those capable of hearing the non-physical. I visited one older house that proudly talked about the different families who lived within its walls over the multitude of years of its existence.


I believe that dwellings can absorb the energy exuded by its inhabitants; some dwellings even up to the point of developing consciousness and preferences. Whether your home has a mood or consciousness or not, the physical structure will absorb the emotions and energy of the humans who dwell within, so I am a firm believer of keeping one’s home clean, both physically and energetically. I’d rather have a home imbued with love, calm, peace, etc. than the alternative.

So if you’re looking for a place, please pay attention to how you feel in the space. Are you feeling welcomed or like you’re intruding?

As for egregores, they need energy to feed them. I recommend counseling for the human who is displacing their negative thoughts and energy into the environment instead of dealing with those emotions. With counseling, one may be able to bring resolution to the built-up anger, fear, etc. thereby starving the egregore and dissipating it.

Everything is Energy and Energy is Everything

Okay, so some may think it’s a ridiculous notion that some houses or dwellings can have a type of consciousness, but please remember, everything is energy.

For people like me who can “hear” beyond the physical and/or read and interpret energy, everything can be communicated with or the energy can be read as to what kind of energy was left on an item or in a location. Just something to think about.


I can recommend, if you aren’t sure yourself, to hire someone qualified to “feel” or “speak” to the house to find out what’s going on; perhaps have an energy reading done on the property.

Poltergeist Activity Increases

Please Don’t Feed the PK Manifestation

By Jan Toomer


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