This past week has brought forward an interesting experience. One that confused me at first, but as I took a deeper look, I realized some people who know me assumed something based on one or more posts I shared on social media.

One such post was a cute short video on FB and I shared it. Maybe since the post originated on Instagram, those who don’t have an Instagram account couldn’t view the video? I don’t know. I’ve an Instagram account, but haven’t done much with it, so I can’t say for sure. But having that account does allow me access to the cross-posts.

Anyway, after I shared this cute little video on FB, over the next week I received private messages, texts and emails asking me if I was okay. After so many of these, another friend said that my posts seemed darker than usual.

This confused me, and piqued my interest. After replying to my friend, I went back through my posts.

Part of me felt the love and concern from those who reached out. Thank you.

And part of me was a bit frustrated.

  • I am not what my shared posts are about.
  • What I post is not a reflection of my life or thoughts, unless I specifically state otherwise, usually by stating something along the lines of “Me, too!” in a shared post.
  • I do share some posts for my clients or mentorees. This is done so they see that they aren’t the only ones feeling that way or going through that experience.

The video post, however, that seemed to be tipping point, was a kitty video. My guess is, for whatever reason, the people who were concerned for me after I shared that post, did not watch the short video.

I went back and looked at that post. The video post picture was of a cat with the words “And sometimes life kinda sucks”. That line, in fact, is at the beginning of the cute and uplifting song which ended with, “I hope you have a good day.”

Please Do Not Assume

I make sure I do not assume anything from shared posts unless the one sharing specifically states it is about them or how they are feeling, and I ask you to do the same.

I thank my friends for their concern; and especially for the friend who told me why she was asking me if I was okay. Mind you, she’s the only one who told me why; it seems to me that others just assumed.

Up Front

For those who know me, know that I’m usually up front with my life, which is often used as an example for my articles, such as this one. I have no problems sharing my insights, experiences, frustrations, and yes pain, without hiding behind social media posts.

Having said that, I’m speaking for myself. I can’t say that’s how others express themselves. Perhaps they do hide behind their posts. Please do privately check on those in your circle if that’s the case.

So again, thank you for your love and concern, but I don’t hide behind posts.

Thank you.

Jan Toomer


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