Not every disturbance is a psychic attack during sleep time, though they to do occur.

  • Hypnagogic (going to sleep) or hynopompic (waking up) hallucinations can occur, in essence, in dream time.
  • Sleep paralysis. The standard thought on this is the process where our physical body paralyzes our muscles so we don’t act out our dreams. Sometimes we wake up while the sleep paralysis is still “on”. This can lead to fear or terror since you can’t call out or move. This usually only lasts a few minutes, though it may seem a lot longer.
  • Meridian Clock. Chinese medicine uses this tool to determine yin/yang imbalances, and involves the organs “times”. One “symptom” is waking every night at the same time.

Energy-wise – Simplified

– When we sleep, we leave our bodies and we go off to learn, teach, aid others or just have fun.

– When we leave, and return, we go through the astral layer. The astral layer is where junk and some lower energies reside.

This is the layer of the unfinished stuff – partially formed positive and negative thoughts, ours and everyone else’s.

Remember, we are all three: Spiritual, Mental/Emotional and Physical. When we leave at night, we go through the emotional (astral) layer to get to the Spiritual, and vise versa coming back.

Think about viewing the Earth from beyond the space station. There is a debris field circling the Earth. That debris field is like the astral layer. And when we come and go, we can sometimes pick junk up and carry it back. This is yet another reason why I recommend shielding morning, afternoon, and evening until you understand what’s your energy and what’s not.

When we leave and come back, we leave and reenter the body. This can be accompanied by a jolt. Some hear their name called out as they are leaving their body. For me, this usually results in a body slam (slammed back into the body), which I find annoying. Some hear a loud sound when leaving and/or coming back, such as a bang, pop or one person reported hearing a loud engine sound, like a train approaching.

Psychic Attacks*

— These occur most often when (a) a person is in an energetic growth spurt, or (b) the person has not fully claimed the right and responsibility of owning and controlling one’s own “power” or energy.

(a) This is common in those going through a hormonal shift or growth spurt. The person’s energy is unbalanced and overloaded, and can cause external events until the person becomes accustomed to the newer energy. This is one possible reason for poltergeist activities in homes with teens or adults going through hormonal changes.

(b) Is based in fear. Fear of no control or having control over own life be challenged. This can often happen when in (or recently out of) an abusive relationship or one is blindsided by the other person. This can cause one to react with emotional hurt. Some reactions may be from a betrayal or sudden ending of the relationship (personal or business).

— Outside influences can be fed through the cords connecting you to the other person, where their energy, and if applicable, desire to control your actions, can be disruptive to your own energy. The practice of cutting cords is good for when there may be negativity coming back down through that cord into you.

More To Come

Next week’s article, Part Two, will address the next two entries.

— This one usually only pertains to those who have a belief of demons (or like entities as per your belief system) in their energy or reality. Demons, lesser to major, can instigate an energetic attack, or in some cases, physical attacks. Seek a professional for this work, preferably in line with your belief system.

— Hitchhikers. These can be attachments that can be from this lifetime or carried from other lifetimes.


(Barring any medical issues.) Fear is not knowing. Knowledge about something is a powerful tool. Gaining knowledge and/or seeking aid from those who have that knowledge is self-empowering.

Recommended Reading:

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By Jan Toomer


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