Those who have forgotten their soul light are pushing hard to keep us/humans in fear; to control us; to promote anger, separatism, violence, confusion and more. And this is happening not only in our physical “reality”, but on the energy levels as well.

So many people are experiencing this as they witness, on a continental-scale and global-scale, stuff that pushes our buttons. It could be, on the physical level, pollution, abuses, racism, politics, prejudices, etc. It’s all stuff that needs attention, to be dealt with, healed and released.

This Isn’t Me

I awoke one morning feeling frustrated and annoyed about something that I didn’t particularly like, but not enough to wake up feeling this way.

I centered, did some deep cleansing breaths…and found myself even more frustrated and annoyed. “This isn’t me,” I thought. That thought, right there, was my warning.

I energetically pulled back so I could visualize looking at my own body. Lo and behold, there was something attached and it was stimulating the part of my brain that was creating frustration and annoyance. Not cool.

After removing it, cleansing and healing the area, I found myself back to being myself…which did not include the unsettling feeling of frustration and annoyance.

Deal, Heal and Release

Many times when we feel those kinds of emotions, including anger, it is because we’ve have a button pushed – in other words, something that triggers us emotionally that was/is brought to our attention for us to deal, heal and release.

For empaths, you may also pick up on the emotions of others which feels like they are your own emotions. Shielding can help clear that and put up a boundary.

So whether the negative emotions are picking up others (empathic), artificially stimulated (attachments or mass manipulations), or your own emotional issue being triggered, we each have to deal with it either way. Our buttons are being pushed for a reason.

Your body; your mind; your responsibility.

My body; my mind; my responsibility.



by Jan Toomer


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