My team has worked all these years through, and with, me to get articles and information out to help us each “wake up” from our dreams – the game of illusion we’ve been playing.

The themes may have seemed repetitive, but they were  – and are – necessary steps to address to break down the illusions and to remember our true selves. And though the information seemed separate from one article to the next, they are connected. They all relate, in one way or another, to the bigger picture and to give us a hand in rediscovering and remembering who and what we really are.

Putting the Pieces Together

Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle? You have the finished picture usually on the box top, and you have however many piece puzzle you chose which need assembling.

You look at the each small piece and wonder where it will go – where will it fit? Perhaps you start with the border pieces to get a frame or foundation to start work on the inside of the puzzle, trying to find where all the pieces will go.

But, if you concentrate on the minute portion of the picture that’s on the small jigsaw piece, you’ll not likely figure out where it goes. You’ll need to take into account its coloration and the edges of that one small piece in order to start putting the pieces together.

It’s kind of like these articles; small individual parts of a greater picture – except in life we’re not given the big, full picture to aid us in putting the pieces together.

The articles that the team shared over the years are small jigsaw puzzle pieces to help build your picture, and most articles connect into one picture. The articles are also energetically designed for you to get more information as you progress on your journey. In other words, you can see information for where you currently are in your growth. As you move forward, you may find more depth or information on the article you had previously read.

But how are we supposed to see how these articles fit together? Unfortunately, the articles don’t have the unique edges to lock into other edges, but they can be connected.

Look at one article; look at another. What links or connects them? Add another. What links that one to the last two? You can zoom out and look at the surrounding articles, or older articles…how do they connect?

You can begin connecting the dots (articles), then you can start piecing them together to make a bigger picture.

Yes, I mixed my games – jigsaw puzzle and connect-the-dots – but hopefully it will help aid in mental visuals on how these articles can work. The messages and information may be able to assist on in spiritually waking up or moving forward, expanding one’s awareness and perceptions, and then we can free ourselves from the 3D illusions and 3D traps.

We have the capability to remove the 3D programming and begin remembering who we truly are, and where we really are from, and to go back home when we’re done here.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you remember – and possibly relieved that not only have you released yourself form the 3D experiences – but you’ll find that reincarnation is no longer on the table and…here’s the biggie…you get to go home – your real home.

I wish you enjoyment in putting the pieces together for you.

By Jan Toomer


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