If I asked you right now, “Who are you? I mean, who are you really?” how would you answer?

As touched on over the years, our first inclination is to respond with labels; labels that we’ve accepted from others or even assigned to ourselves to help us feel like we “fit in”: wife; husband; partner; child; grandchild; sister; brother, or parent. But since we seem to wear multiple masks, we can add more labels: secretary; judge; stock broker; Staff Sergeant; cashier; student; realtor; mechanic; energy worker; IT specialist; graphic artist; etc.

We also have labels for our religious beliefs: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic, etc.

And then there are the labels for social identities: race, class, gender, ethnicity; disability; socioeconomic status, and more.

Who Are You Now?

As we continue to work on our soul growth, we are asked to take a look at ourselves without the labels and masks.

If you take a look at self without those, how would you answer, “Who are you now?” There may be some unease; fear; a reaction along the lines of “This is a load of crap!” and walk away; confusion; or maybe intrigue.

So who are you now without the masks and labels?

Remember Who You Really Are

I know we’ve touched on in the past that:

– Each of us is a soul having a physical experience.
– We are not our body or our experiences; neither defines who we really are.
– We are spark from the Divine.

We’ve also touched on how we, humans, are no longer bound to the reincarnation cycle. When we release our current physical body, we are able to go to our real home, wherever outside of the Earth realms that may be.

Some people have the sense of being from Sirius or Pleiades, or perhaps they feel they are Atlantean. But once again, those are just labels; this is not who you really are.

Letting go of yet another layer – and more layers – of labels and masks, you now stand before yourself, stripped to the core.

Who are you?

You are…I Am.

You are everything and nothing.

You are pure energy.

That’s it.

I Am.

If you say to yourself, “I Am”, pay attention to how your body responds; how your energy responds.

I Am.



Stripped Down to the Bare Bones

News and Views – February 2, 2015


By Jan Toomer


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